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Thuntornlandorus deck


Aspiring Trainer
Thinking about running this at a Battle Road on September 1st. The strategy behind it would be to rotate the active pokemon to whichever one is available to attack that turn the EEls are used to replenish the bench with energies. Any suggestions on modifications are much appreciated.
2 Tornadus (EMP)
2 Tornadus EX(DEX)
2 Thunduras(EMP)
2 Landoras(NBV)
3 Tynamos(DEX)
3 Eelectriks(NBV)
3 Aerodactyls(DEX)
2 Emolgas (DRX)
1 Terakion (NBV)
20 pokemon

6 electric
6 fighting
3 double colorless
15 energies

4 Juniper(Base)
4 N(DEX)
4 Catcher(EMP)
2 Super Scoop up(Base)
2 Skyarrow(NXD)
2 Twist mountains(DEX)
4 Ultraballs(DEX)
3 experience share(DEX)
25 trainers
so much space would be freed up from taking out the aerodactyls to make this very good deck consistent.
i used the genie deck in the last format and it held it's own against all tier1
i was going to use it at states nats and worlds :/
ashtavakra said:
so much space would be freed up from taking out the aerodactyls to make this very good deck consistent.
i used the genie deck in the last format and it held it's own against all tier1
i was going to use it at states nats and worlds :/

I like having the aerodactyls in there to help ohko any darkrai with landorus or terrakion. Although without aerodactyls what would you suggest go in?
Jensen39 said:
I like having the aerodactyls in there to help ohko any darkrai with landorus or terrakion. Although without aerodactyls what would you suggest go in?

4 plus power and 1 more free space? :O

e/ I believe there are plenty of ways to get around and condense this deck to make it a lot faster and to the point. let me get back to you when i have more time, ill in fact make my 60 card list.
i am however, aware of pluspower's death in this format without the use of junk arm.
i will get back to you shortly with a solid list :)

2 Tornadus (EMP)
2 Tornadus EX(DEX)
2 Thunduras(EMP)
2 Landoras(NBV)
3 Tynamos(DEX)
3 Eelectriks(NBV)
2 Emolgas (DRX)
1 Terakion (NBV)

4 Juniper(Base)
3 Cheren
4 N(DEX)
3 Catcher(EMP)
2 Tool Scrapper(DEX) <-vitale vs garb
2 Skyarrow(NXD)
3 Ultraballs(DEX)
3 Eviolite
3 Plus Power

3 blend wflm
3 dbce
8 electric
2 fist

I personally think that this is tooooo many energies. But it works well.