Thursday, 3/22, D/P Tin Scans, Manaphy Music, Podcast Tomorrow!

I'm psyched! I wanna be in it pretty bad, I got a good question to ask. YAY. Can't wait to watch the new movie, it's gonna kinda be ruined from ash's voice but... watev.
Yeah, I feel the same way. Hearing his voice in the commercial kind of made me cringe.

*is scared to watch*
The pirate's voice seemed lazily done from the one line of dialogue he said in the commercial. Hope it was a fluke...
It'll be interesting to see the dub. I'm excited, I wonder what will be changed, I think I know though, but it'll be interesting to she how some ofit's handled (didn't WPM bring it up in the intro poscast?) I also hope all the voices are at their best.

I may consider being a call in, but I'll probably be too busy tomorrow, plus I still need to find my headest. >_>
not only girlish, but constipated at that. I think they should of just given us a brand new voice for him instead of imitating the other voice, people understand that its hard to keep the same voice actors through ten years(didnt the simpsons go through a couple diff voice actors?). Ash's voice is hard to imitate, so giving us a new voice sounding more that the japanese anime would have been refreshing. I have no problem with any of the other voices, but it sounds like they picked up ash's actress in a school play or something(yea I've read the interview).

I hope I can get one of those tins sometime soon and the starters look cool too.:)