Ruling Time Out


Aspiring Trainer
Ok this question is regarding about: what is to do when time runs out and players are still playing a duel, and how to execute a sudden death if necessary.

Thanks for the responces.
If time is called during a game. The player who is ahead on prizes is declared the winner.*
If it is a tie, the game continues until someone takes a prize.

*Should be noted that when time is called, the active player gets to conclude their turn.
When time is called, the player whose turn it is will finish their turn. Normally a judge will be right there for when time is called. Whoever has less prizes when time has been called is declared the winner. If it is a tie the game proceeds and anything that happens between turns happens. The other player then does their turn. Play continues in the normal manner with the only difference being whoever takes the next prize card being declared the winner. For 2/3 matches this is the breakdown:

If time is called during game one it is exactly the same as a normal game. If it is game 2, if one player hasn't drawn four prizes yet upon the active player finishing their turn, the game doesn't count and whoever won the first game is the winner of the match. If more than four prizes have been taken in game 2, the active player will still finish their turn and whoever is ahead on prizes is the winner. If it is a tie whoever takes the next prize card is the winner. If time is called during game 3 it is the same as a normal game.~Mark