Ruling Time-Space Distortion 124-123

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Yeah you find them in bosters, They're very rare though, chances of you finding one in under 50 packs is pretty low. Best to buy it off eBay if you need it badly.
When you buy a box, you get the box topper card with it. No, its not a box topper.
I have a time space distortion and it only took me the first 2 booster packs I bought to get it.
Palantrooper said:
How can I have "Time-Space Distortion " ?

OK just to clear everything else that isn't mentioned.

First off the 124/123 thing is just to show its a Very Rare Card. You'd have better chances find a LV.X.

Now ubtaining this card takes drastic measures (meaning paying $50+ for one). IMO, I wouldn't play this in TCG because it's just to risky and isn't really needed for a deck to run.
It's not risky, but does require some luck. First time I played it I got 3 tails. -gloom-

But I was lucky enough to get one in a pack. xP
Now that the question has been answered, and this thread is turning more into a discussion...

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