Tips for learning a language?


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Does anyone have any tips on larning a foreign language? I want to learn a language besides the intermediate french I already posses. I've heard spanish is easy but I'm not so sure it would be the most enyobable or whatever. So yeah, anyone have any hints and stuff for a beginner? Oh btw I cannot afford rosetta stone or anything and uh, certain other methods of getting rosetta gave my pc a virus in the past :(
Dont learn spanish. Im learning it right now and its just dumb. No offense to anyone.
The words dont make scense. All of these gender words. Every word has a gender. And its not what you would think.

Go with Japanese. I took japanese in school. Very cool language.

Tips to make it easier? Not really. My only answer is dont learn it through public school.
Continue with french as its a great language to know. Don't learn none of that Japanese stuff, it is so boring lol. Other than french, I can suggest Arabic because it is a beautiful language to learn but I am pretty sure you won't go for it...
kashmaster said:
Continue with french as its a great language to know. Don't learn none of that Japanese stuff, it is so boring lol. Other than french, I can suggest Arabic because it is a beautiful language to learn but I am pretty sure you won't go for it...

Well Im sure arabic is a good language and stuff but I think I shall stick to languages with the same alphabet as english to maintain a decent easiness. But what do i know? maybe learning arabic would be good? lol
Yeh I guess French is the best then. You have versatility on your side. When your older French may become handy since you live near it. You may have business meetings there, who knows one day yuo may live there. Yh so French is the best, second most common language I think after English or the other way round. But the world will see that as gold dust :D
He's asking for tips guys. Not biased opinions of which languages to learn. If you are serious to learn the language, something that works for me is saying the word in your head when you say it in real life. If you are saying "What's Up?" To your friend, say "ca va" in your mind. (If you're taking french). Applying foriegn language to your everyday life will make it so that the words automatically come to your head when you are about to talk to someone.
Yeah I've to learn Spanish, I made a promise to a Spanish girl. Anyway I think it'll take about a month (I hope less). Spanish is a nice language, very usefull too, it's spoken in a lot of countries. That's also why I'm going to learn it.

Basically for learning it there are several things needed; a motivation, why do you want to learn it? With a motivation everything goes much easier. And some things which are also usefull, a good memory and ability to learn fast.

Further for learning the language itself. First learn the grammar, get to understand how the language works (this is possible to learn within 3 days if you have a bit of free time). Then expanding your vocabulary, learning more and lots of words. The most boring part, but hey, with a good motivation nothing is boring. And then speaking to the people who speak the language you're learning. Being on foreign forums for example will help too. Anyway this is how I learn languages, easy and fast. But everybody is different so...

And your French, you should continue that too, it might come in use in the future too, you'll never know
Try with basic languages like Spanish and French which are both very useful and then try German which is a little hard but all 3 are very useful. Yes, Chinese is the most used language but it is very language and takes a long time. Also if you can afford it maybe get a helper to excel faster.
raichupika33 said:
Try with basic languages like Spanish and French which are both very useful and then try German which is a little hard but all 3 are very useful. Yes, Chinese is the most used language but it is very language and takes a long time. Also if you can afford it maybe get a helper to excel faster.
German is not a very common language around the world :/

I would recommend learning Latin too, it helps you to support your French and Spanish, Classic Greek is also usefull when learning Latin. It depends on how far you will go for it. If it's only learning the language for speaking it or if you really want to dig into the language and know where every single word comes from and why it's used like that.
I would go with Spanish if I was heading for the easy goal, because to me, Spanish is just simple, sorry showorgranoid, I dont get how Spanish is hard, sure they have genders, but its still good. If I was going for the language I wanted to, I would go japanese, they adapt many english words into there language.

Watch anime for Japanese, heres what Ive learned from anime
Sentou-to fight
bakakun-stupid frog

Hope it helps!
hmm, 1st off....

rosetta stone is horrid. trust me on this one. i asked my professor about it, and he laughed cuz its a complete rip.

i knew that before hand tho, was just asking the obv question that everyone wanted to know, but didnt bother to ask. lol. all it does is re-establish vocabulary is all. nothing for learning. bleh.

spanish is the best lang to learn atm. why? because 1) its quite possibly the easiest lang to learn. 2) the job market loves multilingual employees. makes their job easier to not train others.