To Lock or not to Lock? A 4th place BR Report with Sablelock

What deck should I use for BR's next week?

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Okay, so I start the day by waking up at 10:00-ish, and the BR registration is at 11:30. I go on Pokebeach, make a few posts, then get dressed and ready to go. My mom and I drive to the BR place (30 minutes away from where I live), which is also one of the places that we go for league, hand in our decklists (we printed them out ahead of time), and wait for the first round pairings to be put up. Sadly, the PTO's computer started "experiencing some technical difficulties" (lolz) so we had to wait until 1:00 for the BR to start. When the pairings are announced, I find that I am paired against one of my friends from my usual league, who I know is running Vilegar.

This is the link to the deck I used:

Round 1:
Me -> Sablelock vs. My Friend Robert M. -> Vilegar

This round was fairly quick. I get a Sableye, Basic Dark, and Crobat G in my hand, a fairly good hand to donk with. He ends up getting no basics, so I set my prizes, and draw my mulligan, which happened to be a Special Dark Energy. He draws his seven cards and gets 2 basics, Nidoran F Active (60 HP) and Oddish (50 HP). I start, bench Crobat G, attach the SDE to Sableye, and use Overconfident for the KO. On his turn he debates whether to use Bebe's Search or Looker's Investigation, and decides to Lookers. He shuffles his hand into his deck, and draws his five cards, NONE OF WHICH ARE BASICS. So he ends, and I use Overconfident for the win. A very disappointing game for him. :(


Round 2:
Me -> Sablelock vs. My Friend Justin C. -> Machamp/Gengar/Other stuff (Not sure)

This round was very sad for me. I start out with a good hand (Pokemon Collector, SP Radar, etc.), and 1 Honchkrow G. He starts with Machop. We flip, and to my disappointment I end up going first. I attach an energy and use Hocho's Command for a Energy Gain and SP Radar, and end. He uses Pokemon Collector for Uxie, Machop, and Gastly, play them all down and Set Up's for 3 (one card he drew was Rare Candy). He Rare Candy's Machop into Machamp, attaches an energy, and it's game. And to make it worse, after that I demand a second game and win on the SECOND TURN! Grrrr.... :(


Round 3:
Me -> Sablelock vs. Jason C -> Luxchomp

This game was really long and really intense, like most games I've played against Luxchomp. It goes back and forth the whole game, and it got down to just a couple of prizes. I am mostly able to destroy his set up by sniping his Garchomp C on the bench, and KOing his Luxray with Toxicroak G Promo. At the very end of the game he gets out Dialga G (but sadly never gets any Metal Energy so he can't attack OR reduce damage) and a Uxie, while I have a Uxie LV.X, a Murkrow with 3 Special Dark Energy on it, plus pixies and stuff. I use Trade off and manage to get my Honchkrow (SV). I evolve Murkrow to Honchkrow, retreat the Uxie LV.X, send out Honchkrow, and do 100 damage plus 30 from the Special Dark Energies to KO Dialga G LV.X for the last prize.


OK, so after that I know I have a chance of getting a few packs (top 4 get prizes), but 2 guys (Justin C and Jack P) end up getting 3-0 , so they play in the top 2 cut. Justin wins this game and gets 1st, Jack gets 2nd, some guy named Adam came 3rd, and I came 4th. I'm happy that I got in top 4 (winning 2 packs), as there was only a 66.66% chance that I would make it (because there were 3 people who got 2-1, and only 2 would make it) . In the first pack I got a Vileplume :)D), and in the second pack I got a Reverse Holo Smeargle and Vespiquen, all cards that I needed. I did a lot of great trading, getting Scizor Prime, Umbreon Prime, Slowking Prime, Raichu LV.X, the special Japanese movie Pikachu, an epic Japanese Dark energy, and Magcargo UD, and only trading away a KGL Bottom that I had 2 of, a Steelix Prime, a Houndoom Prime, a Reverse Pokemon Collector, a Gengar SF, and 26 cents (lol).

-An excellent and extremely fun Battle Road
-Getting 4th
-Getting great stuff in my 2 packs
-Hanging out with my friends
-Actually using Sablelock properly
-Great Trades

-Getting bad pulls in both the packs I bought
-Getting Donked by Machamp and causing myself not to make top cut

Overall a great BR experience, and a great way to start off the season!
I will post reports on the next two BR's that I enter, one next week, and one 3 weeks from now.
RE: My 4th Place Battle Road Report with Sablelock!

Too bad about Machamp and you being donked.....

I did the same thing to someone else with Machop on the bench, a Pokemon Communication for Machamp, a Rare Candy, a Switch and a Uxie to get an energy much the same way:):). He was donked as well. It was my final game after 1 win and 3 losses so I ended up with 2/3. Rating is down a little now:(

All my other games were so close with me being in the lead until the end of one prize card each and then the draw was not in my favor!!!!:(

Great you won some packs! and your rating is up!