I'm having trouble making a 3,2-3,2 gardevoir ex and Mewtwo V Star deck consistent.
I feel as if it is way too slow. Was combining the use of 2-4 fog and 2-4 Ultra balls with Nest balls and energy searches. BUT IT NEEDS DRAW POWER REALLY BAD.
If I were to use greninja or revaroom what would my item/energy count be to compliment it? The most energy I would ever need in the discard pile for Gardevoir is 4.
I feel as if it is way too slow. Was combining the use of 2-4 fog and 2-4 Ultra balls with Nest balls and energy searches. BUT IT NEEDS DRAW POWER REALLY BAD.
If I were to use greninja or revaroom what would my item/energy count be to compliment it? The most energy I would ever need in the discard pile for Gardevoir is 4.