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Togekiss Deck


Aspiring Trainer

  • 3 x Suicune (safeguard)
    4 - 2 - 4 Togekiss
    2 - 2 Cherrim
    1 x Mr Mime
    1 - 1 Frostlass

  • 2 x Rare Candy
    2 x Tropical Beach
    4 x Hypnotoxic Laser
    1 x Virbank City Gym
    2 x Ultra Ball
    3 x Level Ball
    2 x Silver Mirror
    2 x Silver Bangle
    2 x Switch
    1 x Super Rod
    1 x Scoop up Cyclone
    3 x N
    3 x Juniper
    1 x Iris
    2 x Colress
    3 x Skyla

  • 8 x Grass Energy
The strategy is to use Suicune to stall the game until I have my Togekiss ready and abuse of Tropical Beach for a good setup. When I have my Togekiss ready, it's my main attacker for 30 + 30 for virbank + 30 against EX with Silver Bangle for 90 against Ex or 60 against non-EX and I draw until I have 6 cards.
The opponent can't use Hypnotoxic or Pokemon Catcher against this, so my togekiss will be safe and my Cherrim too.
Cherrim is here to heal my Togekiss.
I can use Silver Mirror on Suicune to prevent attacks from EX and from Team plasma or use it on Togekiss to prevent attacks against strong team plasma.
Frostlass is here to prevent players to play Special Energies.

I changed the prefix to future because you are using some cards that aren't released in the US yet.~KA
-2-2 Cherrim (adding max potion)
-8 Grass (no need because I took out Cherrim)
+8 Water (gives you option to attack with Suicuin)
+4 Max Potion (a better healer then Cherrrim)
Firstly, remember to put up translations for Japanese cards for those of us who don't know what those cards do lol. :p

I personally think that Froslass is a bit unnecessary, even though I personally like her (you can only have female Froslass, [thankfully]) as a card, I don't think she'll do well in this deck. You should focus more on Togekiss and getting him up quickly. Here are my recommendations:

-1 Iris: She is okay as a 1-of, but I don't think that she is as good in this deck as it could be in, say Garchomp.

-1-1 Froslass: She's okay, but not in this deck.

-1 Scoop Up Cyclone: It's okay, especially to wipe off damage and special conditions, however, there are several better Ace Specs you could run with this deck.

-2 Silver Bangle: In this deck, you don't need to attack for a main source of damage, and you'll find out why later...

-2-2 Cherrim: This is justified later.

-1 Level Ball: Also justified later.

That's 11 cards to work with. I would put these guys (and gals) as their replacements:

+4 Max Potion: Max Potion is much better healing than Cherrim, as it only gets rid of one energy you use to attack, and as such, it heals all damage. But of course, you do discard the energy, but you heal everything so you don't get two shot anyway.

+1 Ultra Ball: Without the need for Cherrim, the need for Level Ball also lowers.

+1 Rock Guard: This is why you don't need Bangle. Not only does it troll everyone who wants to attack you, it also means it cannot be Scrapped because of Togekiss.

+1 Caitlyn: She is a much better supporter than Iris, and in Stage 2 decks, she's really good because you can keep a Rare Candy and draw into the Togekiss. Really, a good card and you should run one or two (if you can find the room) in this deck.

+1 Virbank: One is really not enough, I'd say, especially since you rely on that for more damage.

+1 Juniper: More consistency.

+1 N: More consistency.

+2 Rare Candy: Again, more consistency.