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Tool Drop Trubbish / Gardevoir Hybrid


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 18
  • 4 Trubbish PStorm (20x damage for each tool attached)
  • 3 Sigilyph PBlast (Can have up to 4x tools attached)
  • 2 Surskit PBlast
  • 2 Masquerain PBlast (Allows tools to be returned to hand)
  • 3 Mewtwo EX ND
  • 2 Ralts ND
  • 2 Gardevoir ND (Each psychic energy card counts as two psychic energies)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums 35 Total
  • 2 Rare Candy
  • 2 Tool Scrapper
  • 1 Life Dew
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 4 Eviolite
  • 2 Rocky Helmet
  • 4 Silver Bangle
  • 1 Silver Mirror
  • 2 Float Stone
  • 3 Professor Juniper
  • 2 N
  • 2 Colress
  • 3 Elesa (Search for up to 3 pokemon tools)
  • 3 Skyla
Energy: 7
  • 7 Psychic
The idea is have Gardevoir there to make it easier for Trubbish (or even Sigilyph if it comes to it) to attack. Mewtwo also greatly benefits from Gardevoir, and is a great backup plan if things don't set up accordingly.

Of course, Sigilyph and Masquerain is there to work with the tools as stated in the list.

I know its a lot of setting up, but the errata for the Pokemon Catcher rule allows for this to be a bit more possible to run.

I feel shaky about my trainers & supporters though..

4 Eviolites on a Sigilyph will allow it to stall a bit and can protect mewtwo,
life dew to deny prizes for knocking out trubbish (who are basically suicide mission pokemon),
4x silver bangle on a sigilyph can 190 damage (knocks out any EX), and can also be used on trubbish for extra damage,
Silver bangle is for Plasma tech,
Rocky Helmet to do damage.
Move along Float Stone and the other tools with Masquerain as needed.
Tool scrapper just in case Garbordor wants to crash in on the tool party with his own tool.

Elesa was meant for this deck. Skyla is needed for searching out rare candies and other items. Other supporters are give and take for me..


I edited your decklist to meet the standards set in the rules. Remember, there is a template in your "Post New Reply" box which has been put there to aid you in your deck-making endeavors, so use it! Trust me, it's much easier with some help than without; plus, it also keeps your decklist up to standard. ;) ~Kecleon
I would change:
-1 Elesa: It´s good, but you also need draw power, and this card will be dead mid to late game.
-1 Skyla: In favor of draw power.
+1 N: The best Dwar/Disrupt card and can help you a lot to get fresh hands, you should run 3-4 if you can find room for a 4th one.
2 NXD Ralts=>2 PLS Ralts: a shot at Paralysis is always good.
-1 Mewtwo-EX: It's a tech after all, so there's no need to run 3.
+1 Kirlia PLS: Item lock is always a threat, and aldo the Paralysis chance.
-2 Ultra Ball: Not really needed that a lot when you have...
+3 Level Ball: It searches your whole deck except for Mewtwo and Gardevoir, so you're better off without discarding.

Hope I could help!!! :D
Seems like a good idea, but I like the drawing power added to Luispipe8's post, And this deck really does suffer from lack of drawing power.
worthiyay said:
Pokemon: 18
  • 4 Trubbish PStorm (20x damage for each tool attached)
  • 3 Sigilyph PBlast (Can have up to 4x tools attached)
  • 2 Surskit PBlast
  • 2 Masquerain PBlast (Allows tools to be returned to hand)
  • 2 Mewtwo EX ND
  • 2 Ralts PLS
  • 1 Kirlia PLS
  • 2 Gardevoir ND (Each psychic energy card counts as two psychic energies)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums 35 Total
  • 2 Rare Candy
  • 2 Bicycles
  • 1 Computer Search (Ace Spec)
  • 4 Level Ball
  • 4 Eviolite
  • 2 EXP Share
  • 3 Silver Bangle
  • 2 Silver Mirror
  • 2 Float Stone
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 3 N
  • 1 Colress
  • 2 Elesa
  • 3 Skyla
Energy: 7
  • 7 Psychic

Alright, now to explaining why I did some of these changes. I agree with most of what Luispipe has suggested for changes (which I did incorporate as well).

1. I changed the Ace Spec because this deck is all about set up, and you need that Computer Search to help you complete that set up as fast as you can do so.

2. I dropped 1 Elesa for another N because Elesa looses playability as the game goes on. Its great for early game, but after that its a dead card mostly. N helps you get draw power along with disrupting your opponent's strategy.

3. I dropped 1 Colress for a Juniper, mostly for the same reason stated above, but vice versa. Colress is practically a dead card at the start of a game, and Juniper is great for getting a fresh new hand to work with. Colress is a great card to have late game when the benches are full at that point.

4. I dropped the Rocky Helmets for EXP Shares. There isn't alot of energy, and you want to put these on your benched Trubbish so the energy does not go to waste in the discard pile.

5. Dropped 1 Silver Bangle for an extra Silver Mirror. This is to aid in the Plasma match up along with the fact you do tons of damage from Tool Drop already. The bangles are still there, but I like to have extra options.

6. Dropped 1 Mewtwo EX for a Kirlia for the same reason as Luispipe.

7. Level Balls instead of Ultra Balls for the same reason as Luispipe.

Edit: 8. I would drop the Scrappers for Bicycles to give this deck more consistency, plus more draw power. Your damage is all about the tools, so it seems counter-intuitive. Plus you got Mascerain there to rearrange tools if need be.

I hope I helped you in considering what to do with this deck! I've seen Tool Drop decks before, but not like this. It has me curious in a good way.
TheElite711 said:
Alright, now to explaining why I did some of these changes. I agree with most of what Luispipe has suggested for changes (which I did incorporate as well).

1. I changed the Ace Spec because this deck is all about set up, and you need that Computer Search to help you complete that set up as fast as you can do so.

2. I dropped 1 Elesa for another N because Elesa looses playability as the game goes on. Its great for early game, but after that its a dead card mostly. N helps you get draw power along with disrupting your opponent's strategy.

3. I dropped 1 Colress for a Juniper, mostly for the same reason stated above, but vice versa. Colress is practically a dead card at the start of a game, and Juniper is great for getting a fresh new hand to work with. Colress is a great card to have late game when the benches are full at that point.

4. I dropped the Rocky Helmets for EXP Shares. There isn't alot of energy, and you want to put these on your benched Trubbish so the energy does not go to waste in the discard pile.

5. Dropped 1 Silver Bangle for an extra Silver Mirror. This is to aid in the Plasma match up along with the fact you do tons of damage from Tool Drop already. The bangles are still there, but I like to have extra options.

6. Dropped 1 Mewtwo EX for a Kirlia for the same reason as Luispipe.

7. Level Balls instead of Ultra Balls for the same reason as Luispipe.

Edit: 8. I would drop the Scrappers for Bicycles to give this deck more consistency, plus more draw power. Your damage is all about the tools, so it seems counter-intuitive. Plus you got Mascerain there to rearrange tools if need be.

I hope I helped you in considering what to do with this deck! I've seen Tool Drop decks before, but not like this. It has me curious in a good way.

I agree in everything except on #8: Tool Scrapper is not to remove your tools, but your opponent's. Without Scrapper, this deck is an auto-loss to Garbodor, so it's almost necessary to run 2 in every Ability-based decks.
^ Dang I never though about Garbodor being a thing still! I haven't seen a Garbodor deck in forever, and it never slipped my mind. My apologies, leave the Scrappers be lol.
I wouldnt say its an autoloss against garbotoxin. Since you can still have at most 7 tools in play. 6 for your pokemon, 1 on garbodor. Making your attacks hit 140, if your trubbish has a silver bangle and it attacking an Ex. It is then 170. So it should be fine. Because how many pokemon can really survive against a 140 attack that isnt an Ex and 170 that is an Ex. But then again Darkrai is an answer to that, and lets face it. Darkrai destroys tool drop since it can 1HKO the entire tooldrop team.
id have a friend who make a toolbox variant to fight the "90's hitters" (?
he include 2 celebi-ex 4 garbodor (PLS 66) 2 elesa and lazerbank
in a strange way, It works ...