Top 8 Cities


Aspiring Trainer
Advanced Member
I decided to go with Eelzone. I built it the night before, borrowing about 100 dollars worth of cards to do so. Then, I played three games with it, and headed to Cities the next day.

Round 1 vs Durant/Cobalion
This deck was played by a pokemom who had no idea what she was doing. She opens with Durant active and Drifblim on the bench. What? I have her pick up the Drifblim. I go first. I open Magnemite with my hand being 4 Lightning and 2 Rare Candy. I topdeck a Lightning. I attach to Magnemite and pass. She draws, attaches to Durant, and Devours for one. She kills a Tynamo. I topdeck Magnezone prime. Candy, attach, Lost Burn, gg.

Round 2 vs Kyurem/Feraligatr/Virizion
He gets a bad start, and I just run through him. Not much to say here.

Round 3 vs ???
I honestly don't remember this at all, but we both got setup pretty well. He just couldn't keep up, though.

Round 4 vs Vileplume/Yanmega/Sunflora/Terrakion/Kyurem/Mew with Muk and Jumpluff
He went undefeated, so congrats to him. Anyway, I get a pretty bad start, and he gets Vileplume out too quickly for me to get anything out. His Terrakion takes care of my setup, and I can't do anything.

Round 5 vs Zekrom/Pachirisu/Shaymin/Tornadus
I get paired up to David Cohen. He gets a pretty bleh start, and I just sweep.

Round 6 vs Chandelure/Vileplume/Blissey/Dodrio/Jirachi
This guy is apparently ranked number one in the world right now. He's a great player. Anyway, he goes first and gets a T2 Vileplume and I don't draw energy. GG.

I make cut in the sixth seed. My last opponent makes cut in the 3rd seed.

Top 8 vs Chandelure/Vileplume/Blissey/Dodrio/Jirachi
He gets a bad start and I sweep him game one with Thunderus. Game two he goes first and gets a T2 Vileplume. Game three we both get pretty bad starts, but I'm able to go up by 3 prizes when time is called. He can take three prizes in his two turns, if and only if I flip two tails in a row on burn flips from his attack. I flip tails tails. Gg.

Well, at least I got some championship points. All of my games were pretty boring and one-sided, and there's really nothing I can add to the report past this. I don't really like this format much, almost every game is very one-sided. Oh well.
Good job on top 8! I have to give you props for doing so well with a deck that you built last minute and barely tested. Most people can't get away with that so well.
Well I misplayed a lot, doing things like attaching before using Sage and using Dynomotor before doing other things. They were very small misplays, although I almost cost myself the game in Round 5. I also had to play really slowly to make sure I didn't make big mistakes, and had a few opponents try to pressure me into making a move.

Honestly, though, I had a lot more fun at this tournament than I do at most. Actually having to think about my basic game plan and how to use the deck was a nice change of pace.