• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.



Aspiring Trainer
  • 3x Tornadus EX PLF
  • 3x Deoxys EX PLF
  • 2x Eevee PLF
  • 2x Leafeon PLF

  • 4x pokemon catcher
  • 3x switch
  • 4x hypnotoxic laser
  • 4x professor juniper
  • 3x cheren
  • 2x skyla
  • 4x N
  • 1x virbank city gym
  • 1x skyarrow bridge
  • 2x tool scrapper
  • 1x superrod

  • 4x grass energy
  • 4x plasma energy
  • 4x double colorless energy

12 free spots nao!

Edited to coincide with the rules! ~Kecleon
PokeMasterNOTREALLY said:
  • 2x Tornadus EX DEX
  • 3x Deoxys EX PLF
  • 2x Staryu NXD
  • 2x Starmie NXD

  • 3x pokemon catcher
  • 2x switch
  • 3x colress machine
  • 4x hypnotoxic laser
  • 3x team plasma badges
  • 4x professor juniper
  • 2x cheren
  • 2x skyla
  • 2x N
  • 2x virbank city gym
  • 2x skyarrow bridge

  • 10x psychic energy
  • 5x water energy
  • 3x plasma energy
  • 4x double colorless energy

Strateges: Try and get a tornadus ex out on te 1st turn with a DCE attached. skyla a badge if not already have on and attach. colress machine on tornadus with plasma badge and do 100 damage on 1st turn. hypnotoxics and virbank to do extra damage. starmies because 50 damage for [W] is too good to pass... deoxys is to power up attacks

Edited to coincide with the rules! ~Kecleon

There is just too much too say about this deck that just dont work. As far as i can tell, team plasma badges and colress machines for them never really help enough. They appear at the wrong times, in the wrong order and other stuff. Plus they just make you vulnerable to haxorus, silver mirror, and any other anti plasma stuff. Which is huge right now.

Also idk if you need 4 stadiums. You only need 1 out so 2 is probably fine. Most decks dont run anyway to discard stadiums and as long as its out there it doesnt really matter what it is as long as its not frozen city.

I had to look up what starmie did. That already says a lot about this card. Its not very good. Sure it only uses 1 energy. but its still needs to evolve. All it does it 50 damage. You would be better off going with a supporter pokemon rather than another attacker. Something like umbreon to increase hp on plasma pokemon. Sigilyph with safeguard to counter other exs. Even something stupid like salamence that makes your opponent discard until they have 4 cards every turn, would probably be better.

You have what 22 energy, thats ridiculous even for theme decks. Im not sure what this tornadus ex needs in terms of energy. But it is sure not 22. Especially if you are going to use a 1 energy secondary attacker. I would almost suggest something like 4 DCE 4 Plasma and 4 other energy at most.

If tornadus EX is your main attacker you need at least 3 of them. 2 wont cut it if one is prized, maybe even both.
Ivy_Profen said:
There is just too much too say about this deck that just dont work. As far as i can tell, team plasma badges and colress machines for them never really help enough. They appear at the wrong times, in the wrong order and other stuff. Plus they just make you vulnerable to haxorus, silver mirror, and any other anti plasma stuff. Which is huge right now.

Also idk if you need 4 stadiums. You only need 1 out so 2 is probably fine. Most decks dont run anyway to discard stadiums and as long as its out there it doesnt really matter what it is as long as its not frozen city.

I had to look up what starmie did. That already says a lot about this card. Its not very good. Sure it only uses 1 energy. but its still needs to evolve. All it does it 50 damage. You would be better off going with a supporter pokemon rather than another attacker. Something like umbreon to increase hp on plasma pokemon. Sigilyph with safeguard to counter other exs. Even something stupid like salamence that makes your opponent discard until they have 4 cards every turn, would probably be better.

You have what 22 energy, thats ridiculous even for theme decks. Im not sure what this tornadus ex needs in terms of energy. But it is sure not 22. Especially if you are going to use a 1 energy secondary attacker. I would almost suggest something like 4 DCE 4 Plasma and 4 other energy at most.

If tornadus EX is your main attacker you need at least 3 of them. 2 wont cut it if one is prized, maybe even both.

so - 1 vribank
+1 tornadus ex

-1 skyarrow
+1 N

-1 water enrgy
+1 plasma energy

- all staryu line(4)
- 5 psychic energy
+3 suicune(also has safeguaurd
+2 eevee +2 umbreon
+2 cheren

Would you please help anymore? please, don't be mean to me..

well dont be so demanding and quote yourself like that. If no one has anything to say about your deck atm. Give it some time. Also please edit your first post with the changes.

Either way you should just not add suicune into the deck and add sigilyph instead. This way you dont split your energy up. Since your pokemon require 3 energy max and you have 4 double colorless already you probably dont need that many energy. I ran a deck that primarily used pokemon with only 3 energy cost or above and only required 1 colored energy. It worked perfectly fine with 3 DCE and 9 energy, i would have liked 4 DCE but i only had 3 at the time. So with 4 DCE thats essentially 8 energy plust 4 plasma and 4 psychic. It would end up 16 energy, being more than enough to power up 5 pokemon. SInce you are running Ex attackers that give 2 prizes, you probably wont go through that many pokemon.

You may consider taking out the colress machine. I know its tempting to keep it as it could give you 2 energy drops per turn. If your first energy is the DCE on to sigilyph, it needs that psychic. There is also a good chance you will run into colress on your first hand, making it rather useless unless it also comes with a badge or deoxys.
Ivy_Profen said:
well dont be so demanding and quote yourself like that. If no one has anything to say about your deck atm. Give it some time. Also please edit your first post with the changes.

Either way you should just not add suicune into the deck and add sigilyph instead. This way you dont split your energy up. Since your pokemon require 3 energy max and you have 4 double colorless already you probably dont need that many energy. I ran a deck that primarily used pokemon with only 3 energy cost or above and only required 1 colored energy. It worked perfectly fine with 3 DCE and 9 energy, i would have liked 4 DCE but i only had 3 at the time. So with 4 DCE thats essentially 8 energy plust 4 plasma and 4 psychic. It would end up 16 energy, being more than enough to power up 5 pokemon. SInce you are running Ex attackers that give 2 prizes, you probably wont go through that many pokemon.

You may consider taking out the colress machine. I know its tempting to keep it as it could give you 2 energy drops per turn. If your first energy is the DCE on to sigilyph, it needs that psychic. There is also a good chance you will run into colress on your first hand, making it rather useless unless it also comes with a badge or deoxys.

I'm so sorry im new and i really needed help for today but thanks
for 5 cards...

+1 pokemon catcher (might as well)
+1 N (N is one of the best supporters)
+1 Switch (If you need it, if not 1 more skyla)
+2 Tool Scrapper (For silver mirror/float stone/ or w/e else the opponent is using)
+1 Super Rod (Get back pokemon and psychic energy.)
That could actually work, though the reduction of retreat cost can be really helpful, and with only 1 normal type if you take out umbreon, isnt really helpful for the deck as a whole.
So something like that would be fine? I have almost any common/uncommon card legal for play as well as a few rares so just say what you think might work, i have a professor at my league that helps my test my deck though its against the top 15th player in national o.0
In all honesty i dont think this deck will work well. The fact that you are relying on plasma badges to do anything in your deck just seems wrong. It wont be consistent and can easily be tool scrappered off. If anything it think you either need to change to the other tornadus or drop deoxys all together.
uhh yes and no. Yes because trubbish is fast and hits hard. But no because that deck struggles against other decks because of the fact that its a glass cannon. 2 of my current decks utterly destroy trubbish. Possibly even my ampharos deck could do it even better. Either way dragonite/garbodor trubbish, as does darkrai.

Back to the point. Your deck itself could be good without the plasma support. Drop the deoxys and umbreons and add in other stuff that could help the deck without needing to be plasma. It would open up tons of cards slots just wasted on plasma.
- 4 plasma energy
- 3 plasma badges
- 3 colress machines
- 3 deoxys
- 2 Eevee
- 2 umbreons
- 1 aspertia

18 cards

Adding in cards like
- Leafeon PLF can help with its 1st attack.
- Garbodor w/ Garbotoxin could be quite helpful and doesn't affect Leafeon or Tornadus. But it would make sigilyph useless.
- Mewtwo could be helpful with the DCE already there.

You could also drop the psychic and go a different energy route.
Grass could use Virizion for no status effects, and Tropius for a good starter.
Water could be Suicune w/e Safeguard, Empoleon for a 1 enegy attacker and a bonus drawing ability and splash in keldeo ex.
Dark could be Darkrai, sableye.

Either way, what this means is the tornadus you are using is better as a tech option rather than a main attacker. Since it can basically fit in any deck that uses a stadium and DCE.
It appears to take too much work to get tornadus EX DEX going with the plasma set up. Tornadus EX (Plasma) is much easier to make work with deoxys and hits really hard. Not to mention its windfall attack is a supporter on a stick. It works really well in my giratina/deoxys deck. Just my 2 cents.