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Tornadus EX Mewtwo EX for Cities


PM me if you want to make a PTCGO playtesting team
Hey! Baby_bi here!

I am going to a city championship this Sunday and I need some help on this deck since I can't decide if it is build correctly. So here is my list:

9 Pokemon:

4 Tornadus EX
3 mewtwo EX
2 Sigilyph

39 Trainers

2 Switch
3 Ultra ball
4 Eviloite
3 N
2 Skyla
2 Tool Scrapper
3 Super Scoop Up
4 PlusPower
4 Pokemon Catcher
2 Skyarrow Bridge
3 Aspertia City Gym*
1 Computer Search (maybe gold potion?)
3 Juniper
3 Cheren

12 Energies
8 Psychic

The strategy is simple, hit fast, hit hard. Tornadus can deal a nice 60+ with DCE stadium and PlusPower. Mewtwo is perfect for the opponents Mewtwo, again PlusPower plays an important facture since it lets me OHKO mewtwos with 2 energies with only 2 energies and a PlusPower for myself. Or if I have 3 energies and a Pluspower against their mewtwo with 1 energy. Sigilyph is for EX's and since I play Psychic Basics then there were no real reason not to add it. Also I needed a counter for my opponents sigis.

All the kind of help and comments you could ever imagine are welcome!
RE: Tornadus Mewtwo for cities

You can OHKO opposing Mewtwo with Psydrive (because you're about the first person to actually use {P} with Mewtwo :p), so if you ever get three on Mewtwo, you wouldn't need Plus Power. If you each have a DCE, then it would be useful. I strongly recommend more Supporters, as right now, you have eleven. You could drop just one Aspertia if you don't want to cut a Plus Power.

-1 Plus Power/Aspertia
+1 N
RE: Tornadus Mewtwo for cities

I will remove a +Power since I need stadiums out asap. Also what do you think about the Computer Search vs Gold Potion?
Computer search can help me early game with getting my Tornadus EX hitting for 60+ from turn 1. But late game it isn't that needed since this deck can "setup" fast since it only needs 1 ex with a DCE to start hitting.

Gold Potion can be good when my Tornadus EX is against another Tornadus EX deck and against Darkrai. but beside that it doesn't help that much. sigi would probably get OHKO and so would Mewtwo EX if they would attacked.
RE: Tornadus Mewtwo for cities

Computer Search is still useful late game. It's in the late game where you might need your last Catcher or Plus Power to win. But since you don't really need any extensionive setup, Gold Potion might be good. I'd almost always go with Computer Search, but that's just me.
RE: Tornadus Mewtwo for cities

Comp Search so you can Skyla for a DCE. I played a somewhat similar deck. You will want comp
RE: Tornadus Mewtwo for cities

What do you do against hammertime, since you put 1 energy per turn?! Would like to know, bcoz i like your deck!
RE: Tornadus Mewtwo for cities

I personally like Computer Search better as well :p I will go with CP thx.

oRacle said:
What do you do against hammertime, since you put 1 energy per turn?! Would like to know, bcoz i like your deck!

There ain't alot of hammertime decks in my country so I won't be thinking about it as much. But it will no doubt be a hard match up since I have nothing to counter hammers.
RE: Tornadus Mewtwo for cities

oRacle said:
What do you do against hammertime, since you put 1 energy per turn?! Would like to know, bcoz i like your deck!

You kill the Sableyes
RE: Tornadus Mewtwo for cities

Mora said:
oRacle said:
What do you do against hammertime, since you put 1 energy per turn?! Would like to know, bcoz i like your deck!

You kill the Sableyes

Yeah Sableye KO's are important for this match-up, but the problem is Enhanced Hammer which removes my DCE's, if they are gone, so am I.