Hey! Baby_bi here!
I am going to a city championship this Sunday and I need some help on this deck since I can't decide if it is build correctly. So here is my list:
9 Pokemon:
4 Tornadus EX
3 mewtwo EX
2 Sigilyph
39 Trainers
2 Switch
3 Ultra ball
4 Eviloite
3 N
2 Skyla
2 Tool Scrapper
3 Super Scoop Up
4 PlusPower
4 Pokemon Catcher
2 Skyarrow Bridge
3 Aspertia City Gym*
1 Computer Search (maybe gold potion?)
3 Juniper
3 Cheren
12 Energies
8 Psychic
The strategy is simple, hit fast, hit hard. Tornadus can deal a nice 60+ with DCE stadium and PlusPower. Mewtwo is perfect for the opponents Mewtwo, again PlusPower plays an important facture since it lets me OHKO mewtwos with 2 energies with only 2 energies and a PlusPower for myself. Or if I have 3 energies and a Pluspower against their mewtwo with 1 energy. Sigilyph is for EX's and since I play Psychic Basics then there were no real reason not to add it. Also I needed a counter for my opponents sigis.
All the kind of help and comments you could ever imagine are welcome!
I am going to a city championship this Sunday and I need some help on this deck since I can't decide if it is build correctly. So here is my list:
9 Pokemon:
4 Tornadus EX
3 mewtwo EX
2 Sigilyph
39 Trainers
2 Switch
3 Ultra ball
4 Eviloite
3 N
2 Skyla
2 Tool Scrapper
3 Super Scoop Up
4 PlusPower
4 Pokemon Catcher
2 Skyarrow Bridge
3 Aspertia City Gym*
1 Computer Search (maybe gold potion?)
3 Juniper
3 Cheren
12 Energies
8 Psychic
The strategy is simple, hit fast, hit hard. Tornadus can deal a nice 60+ with DCE stadium and PlusPower. Mewtwo is perfect for the opponents Mewtwo, again PlusPower plays an important facture since it lets me OHKO mewtwos with 2 energies with only 2 energies and a PlusPower for myself. Or if I have 3 energies and a Pluspower against their mewtwo with 1 energy. Sigilyph is for EX's and since I play Psychic Basics then there were no real reason not to add it. Also I needed a counter for my opponents sigis.
All the kind of help and comments you could ever imagine are welcome!