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Tornadus/Terrakion/Bouffalant and Terrakion/Tornadus/Mewtwo


Aspiring Trainer
Deck 1

1x Shaymin (celebration wind)
2x Tornadus
2x Terrakion (retaliate)
2x Bouffalont (Revenge)
2x Tyrogue
1x Mewtwo ex

4x Juniper
2x N!

4x Junk arm
4x Pokemon catcher
4x Plus power
3x Switch
3x Dual ball
3x Rocky Helmet
3x Super scoop up
2x Pokegear
2x Revive

4x DCE
8x Fighting

Strat of the deck is to take out cheap prizes for the win attacking from turn 1 and streaming attackers. Ideal start would be tyrogue and then follow up with other attackers. With the help of catcher and junk arms to take cheap prizes. With help of plus power and rocky helmet to deal extra damage for the KO and superscoopup to conserve energy as well as to avoid giving prizes and reusing shaymin.

I choose bouffalont is because of the revenge kill only needing 1 DCE compared to terrakion needing a fighting and a colourless. I could say Tornadus is my "energy accelerator" while doing damage to take prizes. mewtwo for obvious reasons.

Deck 2

3 Terrakion (Retaliate)
3 Tornadus
2 Mewtwo ex

4 Juniper
3 N!

4 exp share
4 Pokemon catcher
4 Junk arm
3 switch
3 Pluspower
3 Lost remover
2 Pokegear
3 Dual ball
1 Revive
1 Ruins of Alph

9 fighting

The exp share dynamics of the deck similar to the quad bulls but this is with 3 different types of pokemon. Basically stream attackers while keeping energy in play with exp share and disrupt with N and Lost remover. Ruins of alph for psychic and fighting resists as well as killing off Sky arrow bridges.

Ideal start would be tornadus or mewtwo and start attacking turn 1 or 2 for prizes taking out preferably their energy accelerator. Terrakion to assist with revenge kills and eels deck. Mewtwos for strong T1 attack and other mewtwos. Tornadus as an "energy accelerator" while dealing damage from T2.

Need some advice on both decks. I will be running both decks after some testing to see which one suits me best. Would love some advice to improve both these decks. I was also thinking of running recycles but I think that would make the decks more inconsistent.
RE: 2 fighting variants, need help in improving them.

I would cut a Tyrogue in the first list for a second Mewtwo EX. You don't need 2 Tyrogue because you only use them early game.
RE: 2 fighting variants, need help in improving them.

In the first list try
-1 PONT (I usually find N to be better)
-1 tyrogue (I think only 1 is usually enough in a deck like this)
+1 N
+1 mewtwo EX (very important as a counter and if you get in a mewtwo war)

In the second list I would try to max out dual ball if I were you because it is important to be consistent and set up as fast as possible. I have also found landorus to be a good starter against decks like zekeels and such.
-1 lost remover (I think 2 may be enough)
-1 fighting energy (8 is enough)
+1 landorus
+1 dual ball

And have you ever considered shaymin for the second deck? I have found it to be useful in some situations.
RE: 2 fighting variants, need help in improving them.

I agree with having 1 tyrogue. My thought process were to use 2 so I could increase my chances of taking cheap prizes in T1. Come tot hink of it, yeah 1 mewtwo isn't enough lol. I'll try these changes to this deck out this weekend and see how it goes.

As for the 2nd deck, I'm not a big fan of landorus. I makes my pokemon easily at OHKO range and relies on a discarded fighting for a T2 knockout. I don't think I can afford not attacking in the mid to late game (If I don't get landorus active at T1). Hmm I would love to add a dual ball but not sure if I should remove the fighting energy or the lost remover. Probably I'll change to:
-1 lost remover
-1 fighting
+1 dual ball
+1 shaymin UL

Btw on a side note, I do have a quad bulls deck and I found a very big brick wall to a yanmega prime variant deck. I can't keep up with the yanmega primes eventhough I got the quad bulls running not missing exp shares and energy drops but I still lose. My odds were probably like 20-80. I was wondering, how do I get around it? I tried a ruins of alph tech and increased my pluspower to 4 but still I fall short at OHKO'ing the yanmegas consistently while he OHKO's me almost every turn. If it helps, I tested the quad bulls against a stage 1 yanmega/zoroark/cincino deck with a 3-3 yanmega and a yanmega/mew with a 4-4 yanmega line.
Or should I just accept it that quad bulls does not work against yanmega because it's a bad match up?
RE: 2 fighting variants, need help in improving them.

To get around yanmega. Hmm...if it is popular in your meta a zekrom maybe? I don't know if it is really such a bad matchup. Maybe like rocky helmet?
RE: 2 fighting variants, need help in improving them.

No. Nobody plays Yanmega anymore. Zekrom is used for the annoying Tornadus in CTM and Troll. It helps a lot in a fighting deck because you can OHKO Tornadus (with damage on you) instead of having to play at least a pluspower with a Terrakion against an Eviolited Tornadus.
RE: 2 fighting variants, need help in improving them.

Please add the names of your main attackers to the title of your thread. Thanks.

For the first decklist, I would recommend dropping the 3 Rocky Helmet for 3 Eviolite. Rocky Helmet may be pesky, but it really doesn't hit any critical OHKOs after a Land Crush, and it doesn't help in two shotting anything played in the format. The extra damage isn't need, especially with Pluspower being maxed.