Here is the deck that I am thinking of playing for the upcoming Cities:
x4 Spiritomb AR
x4 Turtwig UL
x3 Grotle UL
x3 Torterra UL
x4 Cherubi
x4 Cherrim
x1 Oddish UD
x1 Gloom LA
x1 Vileplume UD
x2 Uxie LA
T/S/S: 20
x2 Hunter
x4 Bebe Search
x2 Broken-Time Space
x2 Expert Belt
x3 Judge
x4 Pokemon Collector
x2 Professor Elm's Training Method
Energy: 14
x4 Double Colorless
x7 Grass Energy
x3 Warp Energy
Here are the reason why some things are here (besides the obvious):
Hunter: This is used for clearing out my bench of uxies
and spiritombs (So I can play more Cherrims)
Judge: Judge is used to clear out my hand(against LostGar, the pokemon, Vilock, the T/S/S) and disrupt my opponents (any SP)
Vileplume: This tech is used to shut off all decks that rely on Trainers (SP/Donk Decks)
Cherrim: This Pokemon allows Torterra to do 10 more damage and it is stackable.
Everything else is self explanatory.
The strategy is to get a T1 or T2 Torterra with 2-3 Cherrims on the bench. When you do you can set-up any techs you want/need and then you can commence attacking at 60-80 and healing 60-80 a turn. My version focuses mainly on speed and consistency.
Weaknesses: There are 3 main weaknesses
1. Drifblim UD, this pokemon can use Take Away and put Torterra in the deck with it, though this is not the main weakness
2. Luxray GL X, this pokemon can use its Bright Look and bring up Cherrim/Vileplume and attempt to KO it.
3. Blaziken FB X, This pokemon is a completely anti-Torterra Deck. Use it's Luring Flame attack it can bring up techs and burn them, then KO them. It can also use its Jet Shoot to OHKO an expert belted Torterra. This is an EXTREME weakness.
Please help me with this deck, I also apologize for the long read .
x4 Spiritomb AR
x4 Turtwig UL
x3 Grotle UL
x3 Torterra UL
x4 Cherubi
x4 Cherrim
x1 Oddish UD
x1 Gloom LA
x1 Vileplume UD
x2 Uxie LA
T/S/S: 20
x2 Hunter
x4 Bebe Search
x2 Broken-Time Space
x2 Expert Belt
x3 Judge
x4 Pokemon Collector
x2 Professor Elm's Training Method
Energy: 14
x4 Double Colorless
x7 Grass Energy
x3 Warp Energy
Here are the reason why some things are here (besides the obvious):
Hunter: This is used for clearing out my bench of uxies
and spiritombs (So I can play more Cherrims)
Judge: Judge is used to clear out my hand(against LostGar, the pokemon, Vilock, the T/S/S) and disrupt my opponents (any SP)
Vileplume: This tech is used to shut off all decks that rely on Trainers (SP/Donk Decks)
Cherrim: This Pokemon allows Torterra to do 10 more damage and it is stackable.
Everything else is self explanatory.
The strategy is to get a T1 or T2 Torterra with 2-3 Cherrims on the bench. When you do you can set-up any techs you want/need and then you can commence attacking at 60-80 and healing 60-80 a turn. My version focuses mainly on speed and consistency.
Weaknesses: There are 3 main weaknesses
1. Drifblim UD, this pokemon can use Take Away and put Torterra in the deck with it, though this is not the main weakness
2. Luxray GL X, this pokemon can use its Bright Look and bring up Cherrim/Vileplume and attempt to KO it.
3. Blaziken FB X, This pokemon is a completely anti-Torterra Deck. Use it's Luring Flame attack it can bring up techs and burn them, then KO them. It can also use its Jet Shoot to OHKO an expert belted Torterra. This is an EXTREME weakness.
Please help me with this deck, I also apologize for the long read .