Ruling Torterra or Beautifly?


Innovative Roleplayer
Which should I use for my Venusaur deck? I have 4 Venusuars, 4 Ivysaurs, and 4 Bulbasaurs. As for Torterra and Beautifly, I have a 2,3,4 set of each, and no I don't have rare candies or Wally's.
Well, I would go for Torterra since it can heal Venusaur to.....remember to play 4 Boost Energy.;)
I'd go with beautifly if I want to push my pokemon... I like the giga drain. But if you want the tank HP go with the turtle that can't swim...
Hmmmmm Well they're both slow and even slower without rare candy,play torterra with its Lv.X.
So overall, Torterra huh? What if I don't have the Lv.X? Beautifly has a great retreat cost advantage. Oh, and I'm using my deck against a Nidoqueen delta deck, my Torterra takes over 70 damage from it.
I'd be careful on running too many Stage 2's. Venusaur is not bad, but it might be an idea to run him alongside MT Eggs or Celebi. And also consider Swalot. Tort is usually better on its own, as is Beautifly.

When I ran Venusaur, I ran it with Dragonite EX and Celebi. That idea got flushed when I found the translator on Celebi was wrong and it had 60 HP's.
If you can't get a LV. X then its o.k. to run beautifly... at least you have a 40% chance of survival because of faith on your tactic and belief on your self...

But, statistically you can't win that match easily. My friend runs a deck w/ 2 stage 2 pokemon w/o rare candy... it uses basic pokemon with high HP and it has a carnivine... I guess you should run carnivine to...
Personally, I'd put Torterra as my base instead of Venasaur. =P *is a Tortera fanatic* But... in your scenario, I'd put Beautifly in as the better of the two... at least in that scenario. Tortera is too much of a physical attacker to support Venasaur.