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Torterra UL


I'm not your boyfriend.
4-3-3/1 Torterra (PL-MD-UL/SF)
2-2 Cherrim (SF-SF)
2 Uxie (LA)
1 Azelf (LA)
1-1 Metapod (GS-GS)

3 Expert Belt
1 Luxury Ball
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Rare Candy
2 Switch
3 Interviewer's Questions
3 Judge
1 Palmer's Contribution
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Professor Oak's New Theory

2 Cyclone Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
6 Grass Energy

Usually, turn two I have a Grotle set up active with grass and a DCE on it, and two Cherubi and a Turtwig on the bench. I rare candy the Turtwig into a SF Torterra, and use it's power to get two Cherrim and Torterra UL. With Cherrim and Expert Belt, Torterra UL swings for 80 and heals for that.

My initial problems have been fixed. Now it's just whatever your suggestions are.

On a side note, I'm either gonna make this or my Hippowdon deck as my main deck. Which should I use?

I made some major changes to T/S/S line and changed the Energy a little (I realized there was no reason not to run 4 DCE).
Haha awesome to see another tankterra deck!

I ran one for awhile! Full decklist is at home so can give you some more help after work!
But off the top of my head

definitly try get the azelf! And add in a sunflora line! The sunflora with sunshine grace, think it's from HGSS! Let's you search put any grass pokemon once a turn! Shaymin skyform is always good to switch over energys if a torterra is about to die! Metapod if there is lots of fire in your area! Will have a look at my old T/S/S lines when I get home
I made the following changes:

-2 Uxie Lv. X - It was not being consistent enough to keep in there. I don't think I ever got it out, nor did I need it.
-1-1 Cherrim - I only really have space on my bench for two at a time, and I can easily get both of those out.
+ 1 Azelf (LA) - I forgot to throw it in there the first time.
+ 1-1 Metapod(GS) - Gets rid of my weakness in case I run into 'Zard, BLG, or the odd Houndoom.
+ 1 Interviewer's - For consistency.

I still think I need help with my T/S/S line. I'd kind of like to put Cyrus's Conspiracy in there. I know I don't have any TGI in there, but an energy and a SPECIFIC Supporter would be pretty freakin' nice for consistency. I have no idea what to drop though. Thoughts?
Sorry for the late reply!
I would drop the plus power, It may be good for an attack or two, but then they are discarded and you could probably put some more usefull stuff in there!
I would drop all 3 of them, and add in 3 bebe's search (definitly a must have in almost ANY deck)

I would drop 1 judge and 2 pokemon rescues (if you play it right shouldnt need more than your palmers)
maybe add in a twins incase you get a bad start and have to sacrifice something while setting up
Don't worry about the cyrus's as it's mainly an SP toolkit! if you want to drop some extra damage, maybe add in x2 blackbelts and a VS seeker (so you can re-grap a blackbelt)

Blackbelt add's +40
so with 60 from giga drain, 40 from blackbelt and 2 cherrims thats 120 health back that turn
most people probably wouldnt agree with the blackbelts, with the prize tie-in it comes with sometimes they can be dead draws.
-2-2 Cherrim (SF-SF)
-1 Expert Belt-
-2 Pokemon Rescue
-1 Interviewer's Questions

+1-1 Sunflora HGSS
+1 Black Belt
+2 Broken Time Space
+1 Unown Q
+2 Bebe's Search

Cherrim is not that great IMO you can do the damage you need with just expert belt and pluspower, why you arnt running Sunflora or BTS is beyond me, for trainer lock I added bebes and unown Q for free retreat of uxie sunflora etc.
I've actually made some big changes to this deck since I last posted on here. I do have BTS in there now and I already dropped PlusPower and Rescuer. Thanks for the suggestions, though. I'll edit in the new decklist and hopefully you can help with that.

As for Sunflora, I looked at it, but I didn't see a huge point. In a general game, I never need it. I want pokemon in my deck so that I can use Torterra SF's power. I can see how it would be useful, though. I might put it in if I end up taking out Cherrim. I don't really want to do that, though. Black Belt could cover it, but that's a supporter for that turn, getting rid of any chance for set up. Plus, Cherrim are constant, whereas Black Belt is a one shot. I'll play around with it though and see what I like.