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Toxicroak / Crobat


Aspiring Trainer
I am a senior division player new to the tcg game and rules. Over the past year I've observed other decks being played and attending pre-releases. This is the first deck I've ever made so please read over what's in it and leave feedback on how I could improve it. :D


  • 3x Zubat Plasma Storm 52/135
    1x Golbat Plasma Storm
    3x Crobat Plasma Storm
    2x Skrelp Flashfire
    2x Dragalge Flashfire
    2x Toxicroak EX Flashfire
    1x Mr.Mime Plasma Freeze

  • 3x Virbank City Gym Plasma Storm
    4x N Dark Explores (reprinted as promo)
    2x Lysandre Flashfire
    3x Muscle Band XY
    3x Ultra Ball Flashfire
    1x Great Ball XY
    4x Startling Megaphone Flashfire
    3x Skyla Boundaries Crossed
    3x Professor Sycamore XY
    2x Evosoda XY
    2x Rare Candy Plasma Blast
    3x Colress
    2x Bicycle Plasma Storm
    1x Dowsing Machine Plasma Storm

  • 7x Psychic
    3x Double Colorless Energy
My strategy is to win all six prize cards by poisoning my opponent's Pokemon.
Toxicroak EX has the move Triple poison, which puts 3 damage counters instead of one for poison. Combined with Virbank City Gym, my opponent is taking 50 damage between turns.
Similarly, Crobat has the move Ultra-Toxic Fang with does 40 damage and puts 4 damage counters instead of one for poison. With Virbank City Gym, that's 60 damage between turns. Also with a Muscle Band, that's a OHKO for all EX (not including megas) if they can't retreat.
Since retreating would make the poison go away, I've included Dragalge which has the ability Poison Barrier, which prevents my opponent's poisoned Pokemon from retreating.
Virizion EX would be a problem so I've included Lysandre to try to knockout Virizion.
Lysandre and Startling Megaphones help with Yveltal/Garbodor decks.
Mr.Mime is to ensure Dragalge isn't hit.
The rest of the cards are self explanatory.

What do you think?
hi there!
i love the idea of this deck! I played with the Crobat rouge deck a while back and loved it so Im drawn to this deck because it was so fun!
id think about changing some cards well shortening down the pokemon becuase there are too many with too much going on.
really love the idea of poisening and keeping them active. try to bring that in with deoxys to power up crobat?
I don't like Toxicroak with Crobat. It feels like one of them is redundant. I mean they both do the same thing, but one of them is a Basic and is easier to get out while one of them requires some set up. I would test out a version of this deck that focuses more on Crobat. It will probably be more clunky, but here's what I'm thinking. with Muscle Band and Virbank, Crobat does 120, and if they can't retreat, posion brings them up to 180 leaving there turn. So you sort of OHKO EX's. Sort of. It's something to consider. Right now though, I'd probably recommend:

-2 HTL
-1 Lysandre
-1 Evosoda
-1 Plasma Ball
-1 Ultra Ball

+4 N
+2 Colress

You absolutely need draw; it's imperative.
I was trying to make a deck like this. Unfortunately, I don't really know about every card like other people do (at least it seems they know everything) and so my deck wasn't very good. This deck however, is fantastic! I will definitely try this out once I get the chance to put this together. I have one suggestion, if your opponent has a Garbodor, Latias, Dragalge, and Mr. Mime become practically useless. You should probably add some Startling Megaphones.
He has two in there. Right below Plasma Ball. And one more thing I forgot to mention. I assume you have Water Energy to attack with Dragalge, but if you ever get go the point where you need to attack with him, you've already lost. He (or she) is only in the deck for his Ability and not for his attack. So don't even bother powering it up. Swap the Water Energies for Psychics.
Ok. I've taken in everyone's suggestions and the deck list has changed. Also I noticed I forgot to put the 3 Colress I had into the deck list, so it only had 57 cards. Also, PokeBoss123, I wouldn't use Latias unless there was a Pyroar deck, but I did add more megaphones. Thanks!
GhostMaster365 said:
Ok. I've taken in everyone's suggestions and the deck list has changed. Also I noticed I forgot to put the 3 Colress I had into the deck list, so it only had 57 cards. Also, PokeBoss123, I wouldn't use Latias unless there was a Pyroar deck, but I did add more megaphones. Thanks!

See I would Take out the Latias
Pyroar only prevents Damage, meaning your Toxicroak can still poison it! Also, Crobat is not a basic, so you can damage him that way too.
AlexanderTheAwesome said:
GhostMaster365 said:
Ok. I've taken in everyone's suggestions and the deck list has changed. Also I noticed I forgot to put the 3 Colress I had into the deck list, so it only had 57 cards. Also, PokeBoss123, I wouldn't use Latias unless there was a Pyroar deck, but I did add more megaphones. Thanks!

See I would Take out the Latias
Pyroar only prevents Damage, meaning your Toxicroak can still poison it! Also, Crobat is not a basic, so you can damage him that way too.

What would you want me to put in its place?
If you remove the Latias and the Fire Energies that it would have used, you could add in Bicycles or Roller Skates in their place; draw support here is very important for getting Crobat and Dragalge in quickly. That or you could bulk up the Zubat/Crobat or Toxicroak EX count, whichever one you prefer, so that you will have replacements should they be KOed quickly.
Perfect_Shot said:
If you remove the Latias and the Fire Energies that it would have used, you could add in Bicycles or Roller Skates in their place; draw support here is very important for getting Crobat and Dragalge in quickly. That or you could bulk up the Zubat/Crobat or Toxicroak EX count, whichever one you prefer, so that you will have replacements should they be KOed quickly.

Ok, I took out Latias and Deoxys, put my Zubat and Crobat count up one again, took out fire energy, added 1 muscle band, and added 2 bicycles.