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Toxicroak EX / Dusknoir / Dragalge / Walrein


Aspiring Trainer

  • Toxicroak EX FLF
    2-1-1 Dusknoir FLF
    2-2 Dragalge FLF
    3-2-2 Walrein FLF

  • 1 Pal Pad FLF
    1 Sacred Ash FLF
    4 Great Ball
    1 Poke Ball
    1 Muscle Band XY
    3 Roller Skates XY
    4 Professor's Letter
    4 Evosoda
    3 Shauna
    1 Professor Sycamore
    2 Pokemon Center Lady
    1 Lysandre

  • 9 Water
    9 Psychic

Early game building up to Walrein and Dusknoir, until Toxicroak EX can be brought into play with Triple Poison and using Dragalge's ability to keep them there until they're KO'd. Toxicroak EX's low retreat cost might save him if Dusknoir and Pokemon Center Lady aren't doing the job. If it comes to that, hopefully there's a Walrein ready to jump in.
High energy as I only have Professor's Letter in the deck as energy search.
Still learning and 90% of my collection is FLF.

Thanks in advance.
It seems like it would be the other way around, early game holding the field with Toxicroak while you power up and evolve Walrein on the Bench and get a Dusknoir into play. I think you should focus more on Toxicroak and Dragalge so that you can Poison lock your opponent. Walrein's 120- for four Energy isn't much to write home about anyway.

- 3-2-2 Walrein
- 2 Psychic
-2 Water
+2 Toxicroak EX
+1 Dusknoir BCR
+2 Professor Sycamore; Consistency, consistency, consistency.
+2 Virbank City Gym
+4 Double Colorless Energy

This is definitely a good place to start. Hope this was helpful!