Hi, me and my housemate have recently got back into the TCG side of Pokemon, and this is the deck I have put together as I wanted to build something competitive. I have played with this deck and I like it, however it can very clunky, a lot more often than I want it to be. Can anyone suggest any cards to add/replace?
My basic strategy is 50 poison damage per turn with Toxicroak EX and Virbank and then lockdown retreats with Dragalge
3 - Toxicroak-EX
1 - Gengar-EX
1 - Mew-EX
1 - Skrelp
1 - Dragalge
3 - Sigilyph
2 - Pumpkaboo
2 - Gourgeist
2 - Duskull
1 - Dusclops
2 - Dusknoir
1 - Mr Mime
1 - Rare Candy
1 - Lysandre's Trump Card
2 - Shauna
2 - Professor Sycamore
2 - Virbank City Gym
1 - Hypnotoxic Laser
3 - Switch
2 - Energy Retrieval
1 - Super Scoop Up
2 - Pokemon Fan Club
1 - Lysandre
1 - Pokemon Centre lady
1 - Scoop Up Cyclone
4 - Mystery Energy
12 - Psychic Energy
4 - Double Colourless
Hi, me and my housemate have recently got back into the TCG side of Pokemon, and this is the deck I have put together as I wanted to build something competitive. I have played with this deck and I like it, however it can very clunky, a lot more often than I want it to be. Can anyone suggest any cards to add/replace?
My basic strategy is 50 poison damage per turn with Toxicroak EX and Virbank and then lockdown retreats with Dragalge