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Toxicroak Posion Threat! (Toxicroak EX / Druddigon / Dragalge / Pyroar)


Aspiring Trainer
Hi Guys, This is my first post and this is just a decklist I made using Toxicroaks Triple Poison with a Virbank Gym to do 50 damage a turn along with Dragalge to Lock the pokemon in the active spot, and a few other pokemon that I find helpful.

Pokemon: 14

  • 3 Toxicroak EX
    1 Mewtwo EX
    2 Dragalge
    2 Skrelp
    2 Druddigon
    2 Pyroar
    2 Litleo
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 34

  • 3 Virbank City Gym
    3 Colress
    3 N
    3 Professor Juniper
    2 Skyla
    2 Lysandre
    1 Computer Search - ACESPEC
    3 Ultra Ball
    2 Level Ball
    2 Super Rod
    2 Startling Megaphone
    2 Muscle Band
    1 Prof. Letter
    3 Float Stone
    2 Evosoda
Energy: 12

  • 4 DCE
    4 Psychic Energy
    4 Blend Energy G/R/P/D

So this is Deck mainly revolves around Toxicroak's Triple Poison with the Virbank City Gym as the Stadium because it will do a whooping 50 damage of poison in between every turn. The Dragalge will lock the Poisoned Defending Pokemon in play so that it can't retreat to heal away the poison. Since Dragalge doesn't have to be active for this ability to work it can just chill on the bench, but if you need to attack with it there are the 3 rainbow energy which can act as a water for him or just another psychic energy. The Gardevoir allows 1 psychic energy to give 2 psychic energy, basically making every Psychic energy a Psychic DCE. This allows you to have a very small amount of energy in the deck and like Dragalge he should never need to come up so he can just chill on the bench. I chose the Dusknoir in favor of the old one because if Toxicroak gets attacked by the poisoned pokemon, and it isn't enough to kill him, you can move some or all of the damage to Dusknoir so he can attack for 120 at max. Along with that Triple Posion that's 220 damage in two turns, and then you could factor in a Muscle Band or a Silver Bangle bringing it to anywhere from 240-250 damage. Dusknoir and Dragalge can also make a decent counter to deal with a pesky Pyroar. I haven't been able to collect the cards to test out this deck yet, so I'm posting it on here for you guys to look at and give me some helpful tips. If any part of the strategy doesn't make sense then feel free to ask me, and I'll explain it better. Also I attached the HTML file which you can download and open it up in SteveP's Deck List Program. Thanks for taking the time to check out my decklist and I can't wait to see what everyone has to say!

Edited your post with your changes! Please do that next time! :D ~Kecleon
RE: Toxicroak Triple Poison

I feel like with this kind of deck. Muscle Band and Silver Bangle do nothing. You probably dont plan on using Toxicroak's second attack and Dusknoir's attack moves damage so it doesn't benefit from either tool card. These 2 cards add additional damage to attacks that have initial damage. Meaning the only pokemon that can use it is Gardevoir. Which you wouldnt want to do.

Also don't ever attack with Dragalge cause its just a terrible idea. 1. it only does 60 damage and flip for poison, and 2. you dont want to lose that ability. So no rainbow energy. Gardevoir doesn't attack because losing that ability is also a huge problem for this deck.

With that only Toxicroak and Dusknoir are your only "attackers." Since they dont do base damage, dont use those tool cards.

Consider using Dusknoir from BCR. Maybe a 3-1-2-1 line. Manipulating your damage is all fine and dandy. Manipulating your opponents damage, now thats something worth evolving to.

Either way this deck would be better off not running Gardevoir and using DCE instead of just psychic energy. To both reduce the time you need to set up to be effective and to reduce the amount of bench warming pokemon that can be catchered out.

Taking those out gives you 13 card slots to increase consistency and find a decent second attacker. Ideally something that will help against Virizion Ex. As this deck will just flop around against it.
RE: Toxicroak Triple Poison

Ivy_Profen said:
I feel like with this kind of deck. Muscle Band and Silver Bangle do nothing. You probably dont plan on using Toxicroak's second attack and Dusknoir's attack moves damage so it doesn't benefit from either tool card. These 2 cards add additional damage to attacks that have initial damage. Meaning the only pokemon that can use it is Gardevoir. Which you wouldnt want to do.

Also don't ever attack with Dragalge cause its just a terrible idea. 1. it only does 60 damage and flip for poison, and 2. you dont want to lose that ability. So no rainbow energy. Gardevoir doesn't attack because losing that ability is also a huge problem for this deck.

With that only Toxicroak and Dusknoir are your only "attackers." Since they dont do base damage, dont use those tool cards.

Consider using Dusknoir from BCR. Maybe a 3-1-2-1 line. Manipulating your damage is all fine and dandy. Manipulating your opponents damage, now thats something worth evolving to.

Either way this deck would be better off not running Gardevoir and using DCE instead of just psychic energy. To both reduce the time you need to set up to be effective and to reduce the amount of bench warming pokemon that can be catchered out.

Taking those out gives you 13 card slots to increase consistency and find a decent second attacker. Ideally something that will help against Virizion Ex. As this deck will just flop around against it.

Thanks for the Ideas, I'll see what I can do and reply again with an updated list. I don't get what you mean my a 3-1-2-1 line. Also if I go with the other Dusknoir I feel like I might as well not use it because it doesn't really fit the deck, because I don't need to move damage around because every time I kill a pokemon I can just poison the next one with Toxicroak, so I don't need to lock the defending pokemon up front and move damage away like in a Treevanant/Accelgor deck. I understand what you said about the muscle band and silver bangle, but I think I'm going to keep the muscle bands just for security so I don't end up like 10-20 damage left on the defending pokemon giving my opponent another turn, and I think I can afford the space. Getting rid of all these cards free me up about 20 cards worth of space, so i'll see what I can do with those and reply with what I got tomorrow. Thanks for all your suggestions!
RE: Toxicroak Triple Threat! (Toxicroak EX / Dusknoir / Dragalge / Gardevoir)

I made some of those suggested changes, and this is what I have now. The Pyroar acts as both a counter to Pyroar and Virizion. The Druddigon's Revenge makes a nice kill if Toxicroak is Knocked out, and makes a nice counter to any older Dragon-Based Decks. I added 3 Float Stones to attach to Druddigon, Toxicroak and Pyroar just to make switching out convenient. The Lysandre was added so I can pick off specific Pokemon if need be. The Prof. Letter is a nice card for sniffing out any energy I may need, and the two fire energy are for Pyroar.

Pokemon: 15

3 Toxicroak EX
3 Dragalge
3 Skrelp
2 Druddigon
2 Pyroar
2 Litleo

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 33

3 Virbank City Gym
3 Colress
3 N
3 Professor Juniper
2 Skyla
2 Lysandre
1 Computer Search - ACESPEC
3 Ultra Ball
2 Level Ball
3 Super Rod
2 Startling Megaphone
2 Muscle Band
1 Prof. Letter
3 Float Stone

Energy: 12

6 Psychic Energy
2 Fire Energy

Tell if this seems better than the original DeckList. I made some changes that I think were for the better, and I would like to see some input so I can keep updating this DeckList to make it look top-notch. Thanks for all the input anyone gives me, and I hope you all have a nice day!
The list is a lot more fine consistent looking.

why would you need psychic energy? Is toxicroak using its second attack? Cause 2 fire energy is not going to do it for pyroar. May consider taking out 2 psychic or maybe even 3 for 2 or 3 blend energy if you want to keep psychic. I suggest dropping psychic all together but if you want to use second of toxicroaks attack, meh thats fine.

3-3 Dragalge is probably too much. So 2-2 is just fine. 3 Super rod is also too much.

So 3 extra cards.

Might consider 3-3 Pyroar. Maybe 1 Mewtwo Ex as a back up attacker. 2 enhanced hammers are nice for this format. Or even drop 1 virbank city gym for a to make room for 4 hypnotoxic laser.
I do plan on using Toxicroak's Second attack just so I can finish pokemon off in two turns in stead of having to wait 3-4 for the poison to kill them. I'll see what I can do with the enhanced hammers, and I don't want to drop a Virbank City Gym at all because I have three so I can win the "Stadium War" with most decks that way my poison does 50 damage, and I don't want to add the hypnotoxic lasers cause it overlaps Toxicroak's First move and is significantly worse than Triple Posion, that 20 less damage a turn could be a game changer. I see what you mean about the Dragalge so I'll make it a 2-2 line, and I think I'll leave Pyroar a 2-2 line and just add 2 Evosoda or Something. As far as the energy goes I'll drop 2 Psychic and 2 Fire energy to get four of those in, and since most of our energy is Special now I'll drop one Super Rod. I added the Mewtwo EX like you said as a secondary attacker.

Pokemon: 14

3 Toxicroak EX
1 Mewtwo EX
2 Dragalge
2 Skrelp
2 Druddigon
2 Pyroar
2 Litleo

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 34

3 Virbank City Gym
3 Colress
3 N
3 Professor Juniper
2 Skyla
2 Lysandre
1 Computer Search - ACESPEC
3 Ultra Ball
2 Level Ball
2 Super Rod
2 Startling Megaphone
2 Muscle Band
1 Prof. Letter
3 Float Stone
2 Evosoda

Energy: 12

4 Psychic Energy
4 Blend Energy G/R/P/D

That's what I did. Looking better, and the suggestions I really do appreciate it and would like to make this Decklist the best it could be, are there any popular decks that would give this deck real trouble, cause I think I've covered quite alot.