Toys R Us 'Pokemon Day' Only for Kids

Well I have Regionals on the 27th, but I don't necessarily care for cards that already came out but with a store logo. How many of these cards do you think we will get throughout the Mythical Blisters each month anyway :p.
These Promos might fetch some coin...I suppose I know where Im taking my siblings that day..(Plus both are playable, albeit moreso for Pikachu
I've been to some "for kids only" event at TRU events and gotten freebies, hopefully I will get all the freebies (one of each).
I was at TRU last Sat and someone said that I could get stuff and another said's still to early.
Good thing I'm 14 but I look like a 4th grader, which I don't get, because I'm. A bit taller than a fourth grader. All in all, I'm short. I can pass.
EDIT: also, if this plan fails, I have 3 sibling that can get the job done for me...
ANOTHER EDIT: wait a minute.. I just realized theeir doing MORE of this?! Woah, time for me to get some cards.
Glad Toys R Us realizes Pokémon day is for the kids who were born 15-20 years after Pokemon first released....:rolleyes:
"intended for kids 6 and up". Intending something and doing are two different things and I am in the "up" section. I'm still going and if they deny me, I will tell them so. Of course if i'm still denied, I guess they will just have to deal with the consequences of their decision when I totally act like a five year old and destroy the place.
"intended for'" does not mean 'not allowed' so who cares.
I'm going and I'm 21.
My 11 yo sister will probably want to come too so if worst comes to worst I'll steal hers
Maybe they'll be more lenient with my age if I buy something else from them at the same time. (Then proceed to return the item immediately.)