BW/BW2 Trade for Archen?

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1077-0295-9139 Majora

Thanks. ^^

EDIT: Via GTS Negotiation, right? I'm still not used to the new trading system, or trading online. =P
Are we gonna do it now?


EDIT: go to pokemon center, go upstairs and go to the one in the middle
Sure I'm up for it.
go to pokemon center, go upstairs and go to the one in the middle
You're very welcomed

Well, now I just need to wait on that Archen... I edited the first post so I wouldn't forget or anything...
No, I just like giving away pokemon I don't use.
EDIT: you're giving me rufflet? that's generous.

For future reference:
Chariblaze said:
Use the Trade Now thread, stickied at the top of the forum, for simple, one-time trades such as these. Normal threads in this forum are meant for people to post lists of Pokemon they want and have to trade.
dmaster said:
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