Trading cards or figures?

Which is better?

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Pokemon Master
Do you get the figures or/and cards

please tell us!!!!:p
I personly like both but the figures come out to slow!!!
I prefer the TCG. To me its more fun and less expensive to buy. Plus I'm addicted to but pokemon cards. I did though but one of the TFG sets tried to play but no one I knew seemed to get into it.
~Roxasora~ said:
I play both and the TCG is way more fun.

funny enough where i live on the isle of man (uk)

they sell like hotcakes!!!

but i agree tcg is better!!!

if only the brought out tfg quicker!!!(still on 1st set)
You are putting the TFG at a disadvantage by posting in the TCG Discussion you know... :)

I'll have to go with TCG. Despite their quality, the TFG is too expensive to be feasible.
ive never played the TFG, nor have i seen it being played
to be frank it doesnt look very interesting just by looking at it ahaha

yes on TCG =)
TCG FTW. TFG is interesting at first, but there's no variety to the game. TCG has a MASSIVE list of choices. Maybe if there were more TFG sets...
I only play the TCG. The TFG doesn't look very interesting at all.