trading cards?


Aspiring Trainer
im currently collecting platinum, but im 21 yrs old and i dont know anyone who trades cards. its a bit pricey keep buying boosters and hoping to get ones i need. i have a few commons and uncommons to trade for other commons i need and im sure some others will need. but how can i find ppl who collect to trade with?

there are no forums busy enough with people to trade :(

i need a way of swaping.

anyone help?
If you call this place not busy enough...
Also, do you live in a moderately big city? If so, there should be a league around.
yeh i live in leicester in the uk. just seems everyone is trading rares and cant do anything with commons coz i dont know anyone to trade with :(
im from leicester uk, pretty big city yes.

Anyways. I would go to the forum titled "Trading Corner" where you can post a list of your current haves and wants. Then, you exchange addresses and mail the cards. It is very safe as long as you read the rules and trade with people that are trusted members.

I myself have made of 65 trades between here and pokegym.