Trading code cards for Ultra Rare cards?


Aspiring Trainer
Is it common for people to trade groups of code cards for Ultra Rare cards? I don't have very many Ultra Rares up for trade, but I have a ton of code cards and a ton of common/uncommon cards I'd be more than happy to put up for trade. Just wondering the likeliness of someone actually willing to do that.
RE: Trading

Tamara said:
Is it common for people to trade groups of code cards for Ultra Rare cards? I don't have very many Ultra Rares up for trade, but I have a ton of code cards and a ton of common/uncommon cards I'd be more than happy to put up for trade. Just wondering the likeliness of someone actually willing to do that.
I don't know how common it actually is but I know for sure some people are more than willing to do that. I'm personally not big enough into codes to trade actual real and rare cards for them unless it's a super good deal, but just yesterday I saw a couple threads on The PokéBeach Trading Corner with people looking for PTCGO codes. It may not be a multitude of people, but the ones who are interested you can usually get some pretty good stuff off of them. They also go for a decent amount on sites like eBay so even if you don't want to trade them I'm sure you can make a quick and easy buck if you're more interested in cash.