BW/BW2 Trading My Pokemon

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Aspiring Trainer
I got the following offers: DW chimchars, shiney mew, shiny lugia, shiny ho-oh, shiny dogs, latios, most legendaries, shiny blissey, shinny charizard, ev typlosion lv. 50 modest in sp.att and speed, lv. 50 ev. fortress in def and sp. def, lv. 50 ev bold umberoun in def and sp. def.

Im lf: dw starters, relaxed/impish regirock ut, dw vulpix, dw abra, dw male dratini, ballet pass gligar/gorebyss, dw male and female shroomish.

thanks a lot
You may want to make that into a list alot better, going horizontal. Anyways, I have a female Shroomish, and I can breed a Baton Pass Gligar, if you tell me what Pokemon I need.
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