Wi-Fi Trades Trainerhan1's Dex - Help me complete the dex and I can help you - Need only Celebi


Chooses to not abandon his wagon.
Friend Code: 1120-5458-2634
Time Zone:Central US
Times Available:Varies

So for my Black the only Pokemon I have left to complete the dex is Celebi. I am offering to do a trade-back for your Celebi and I can provide any pokemon for your dex that is not Celebi or Mew. Please help.

EDIT: Got the entry from 117jokes.
I can do a tradeback for you. You wouldn't happen to have any of the DW pokemon on my wants list in exchange by chance would you?
Not really. It's just a trade back so i'm not looking for anything in return. If you can trade know I can but if you can't just let me know when you're available to trade. FC 4170-6518-8308