Trainers/pokemon that stop trainer use


Aspiring Trainer
I have been looking for pokemon or trainers that let a person stop the use of trainers.

I Know mespirit LA does that...but only once and using super scoop-up is so flippy.

Any other ideas?

Mespirit stops powers and not trainers. Kabutops and some attacks (vileplume) stop trainers from being played, but most of them have relatively low damage and costly attacks.
Ghastly SF start. Free attack and it makes it so your opponent can't play TRAINERS from his/her hand.

Combo that with Mesprit LA. Did that for a few turns before as a mini combo (not really what the deck was based on) and it seemed to stall prreettyy good.
When memory berry comes out in the next set, you could attach it to sf Gengar and use sf Gastly to block their trainers.
Dialga G in the next set can stop Trainers and Stadiums and hit for 10 with his attack (Deafen) but it cost [M][C].
Blaine said:
Dialga G in the next set can stop Trainers and Stadiums and hit for 10 with his attack (Deafen) but it cost [M][C].

Yeah, Dialga G is the reason I am looking. I really see the possibility of a T1 Dialga G that can stop trainers from the get go. But the HP is so little, maybe a kabutops/Dialga G tandem could work?
You´ll only be able to do T1 Dialga G if you go 2nd and get Energy Gain. Leveling it Up will increase its HP and also lock Bodies, but if you do this you can´t send Kabutops until Dialga G is KOed or you won´t be able to use it Body.
Blaine said:
You´ll only be able to do T1 Dialga G if you go 2nd and get Energy Gain. Leveling it Up will increase its HP and also lock Bodies, but if you do this you can´t send Kabutops until Dialga G is KOed or you won´t be able to use it Body.

Or your could togekiss it. But in reality Ghastly or Kabutops would be a lot easier.
Blaine said:
Leveling it Up will increase its HP and also lock Bodies, but if you do this you can´t send Kabutops until Dialga G is KOed or you won´t be able to use it Body.

I wasn't thinking of adding Lv X because of the body thing. Say I have a Dialga G out with tool and one energy, I can stall while the person can't play trainers of any sort. I can use snowpoint to increase HP by 20 and get same benfit of level-up without body's being stopped.

1) build up another Dialga G on bench while hitting small and stalling and when ready, use 2nd attack on dialga G and kill opponent. They then get one turn to use trainers, Unless I switch to Kabutops to kill them instead. Or, I then can retreat High damaged Dialga G with a switch to my next powered up Dialga G and use Trainer to scoop up (invention G-105) and build up my next Dialga G on bench. I can basically lock the opponent from trainers for an extended amount of time. I could use Spiritomb and/or crobat G and scoop-up to speed up damage.

2) I could Use Ampharos for stopping Powers along with Crobat G and G-105. along with Dialga G trainer stop and go full decking strategy. (dreaded Cynthias would ruin that idea though if they used it their 1 or 2 turns they get to use trainers).

3) Maybe even a trainer lock for a while then a Gengar -Poltergiest.

4) I could also include maybe TGW to empty hand of trainers so when they get a chance to use them, they have few to chose from.

5) I could have powered up Giranta x on bench and just send pokes to lost zone and then go back to Dialga G trainer lock.

I'm sure there are holes in this and it hasn't been play tested yet, but locking trainers could be so broken if implemented well.