BW/BW2 Trainers talking in French??


Aspiring Trainer
Hey their!
I was just wondering if anyone else had and is having the same problem as i am, where some of the trainers I talk to in black and white, talk to me in french.
I would like to know if this means the version i have is faulty, or if it's happening to anyone else...
I am Australian and own an English version, brought from a legit seller (K-Mart).

Many Thanks!
The Translation reads to say: countries I visited, and the number of trainers that I have fought

It appears in all versions of the games. English, Japanese, German, etc. The ones who speak in different languages are mostly Backpackers. It is supposed to signify that they came from far away.
IIRC, there are a few in English games who talk in Italian as well.

It's the same for everyone, so you have a good copy :D
It's a good copy, don't worry.
I've met people that talked in different languages in my game as well.
There's French, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese...
Yeah, there are a few random NPCs that speak in foreign languages. It's not a mistake - it's there on purpose.
Hahaha, I wish we could get someone to translate these for us! I understood the Spanish one...he was in Castelia I believe.
I speak French. Charizard_Knight's translation is correct, but I'm assuming the Trainer is on a second page of dialogue.