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TREPZ (Thund/Rai/Eel/Elec/Pachu/Zek)


Aspiring Trainer
18 Pokemon

2 zekrom
2 thundurus
2 pachurisu
2-2 electrode
2-2 raichu
2-2 elektrik

27 Trainers

4 collector
4 communication
4 plus power
4 juniper
3 junk arm
3 pont
2 catcher
2 switch

16 Energy

16 Lightning

Strategy is to get thundurus, raichu, or zekrom out and start doing damage by turn 2. has been really good so far, electrode speeds the deck up while eelektrik keeps the flow and pachurisu is there for raichu mainly and works rather well. i have been debating adding shaymin just so i can combo into thund or zekrom, would like some input. I feel like this deck needs Seeker. Other than Donphan, Vileplume has been toying with me and it would be for zekrom, pachurisu and energyless active pokemon who need a way out. Let me know your thoughts. This deck is really strong so far
For this deck there are a few changes that could be made:

-2-2 Electrode. You have pachurisu in the deck for energy acceleration so why try to set up a stage 1 which will just give away a prize card.
-1 Pachurisu. Eeletrik is much better/ more consistent that Pachurisu and Pachi should only realy be used early on to try and get a donk with zekrom.
-2 plus power. Your main attackers are hitting for 120 and there isn't many more pokemon that have 120+hp that you cant KO with just one plus power played. And if you need to reuse them you have junk arm.
-1 PONT. You have two, that should be enough hand refresh/ draw.
-6 {L}. 12 is enough. You will be reusing most of them anyway with eeletrik.
+1 Shaymin. For moving energy around.
+1-1 Eeletrik. Great energy acceleration.
+1 Cleffa. For bad Hands.
+2 cryogonal/Tornadus. For Donphan Matchup.
+1 Junk arm. Speeds up energy acceleration with Eeletrik and can get out some useful trainers.
+2 Sages training. Good drawing card especially in this deck to help get energy onto pokemon with eeletrik.
+2 Seeker/SSU. For returning shaymin/ Pachi.
+1 Pokemon Catcher. Needed to get Prizes/stall.
+2 Water/DCE.
Personal Preference for Donphan Counter. I would go for Tornadus as it works well with the other cards in your deck. (color for help to which energy to use when it comes to the Donphan counter).
hope this helps!!
ok cool, i like where this is going, here is what i have came up with based on your review so far.
-by lowering the energy it makes electrode pretty much useless, i see this.
-also by removing the energy you had made pachu just as unreasonable, would rather just change that to a clefa
-if i add shaymin i would add 2, not 1, but depends on if i have the room for the extra
-i like removing plus power all together, as all cards either 1 or two shot, there is no middle ground.
-i like the junk arm to 4 as well as adding 2 seeker, very important from my testing
-i never seem to have a problem getting energy in the discard with 4 juniper AND 3 junk arm, and now that i plan on adding another i dont think sage is necessary since i wont be cutting pont, id probably be adding one if anything. From my experience having card draw in your hand at all times is way better than not having one at all. can never have too much card drawing power.
-pokemon catcher? i think 4 junk and 2 catchers will be enough, more testing will provide me with the proper answer here.
and as far as donphan tech. I dont like watering down the deck so that i can deal with one bad match up. Even then it isnt a gaurantee. I would like to make it as consistent as possible. So far i havent even seen 1 donphan deck through my testing yet. doesnt mean i wont run into one either though.
I like electrode and pachu + addition to shaymin to speed up early game acceleration, i will continue to work with that. Also having taken out the plus powers now makes junk arm have 2 targets.I have removed Junk Arm because I like the idea of buffing up switch/catcher directly and adding sage's training - 1 pont to keep with the discarding of the energy, that is important. i also lowered the energy by 1. I think 15 will be a good number when messing with electrode still. I will test this version out and let you know how i feel about it. Thanks for the input. keep it coming
20 Pokemon

2 shaymin
2 zekrom
2 thundurus
2 pachurisu
2-2 electrode
2-2 raichu
2-2 elektrik

25 Trainers

4 collector
4 communication
4 juniper
3 sage's training
2 pont
3 catcher
3 switch
2 seeker

15 Energy

15 Lightning