This deck is an Item-Lock deck. Try to evolve to Donphan turn 2. Then, use the Spinning Turn do a possibility of 100. Switch into Trevenant and lock their ability of using items. Just keep on using that strategy. Attack with Donphan switch into Trevenant. Snorlax is there with retreat lock. Pretty good deck.
3 Donphan
3 Phanpy
3 Phantump
3 Trevenant
1 Suicune
1 Jirachi EX
1 Mr. Mime
1 Snorlax
4 Professor Sycamore
4 N
3 Korrina
2 Pokemon Fan Club
2 Lysandre
1 Colress
4 Float Stone
3 Muscle Band
2 Ultra Ball
2 Silver Bangle
2 Fighting Stadium
2 Switch
2 Bicycle
1 Evosoda
1 Startling M phone
1 Master Ball
4 Fighting Energy
4 Strong Energy
This deck is an Item-Lock deck. Try to evolve to Donphan turn 2. Then, use the Spinning Turn do a possibility of 100. Switch into Trevenant and lock their ability of using items. Just keep on using that strategy. Attack with Donphan switch into Trevenant. Snorlax is there with retreat lock. Pretty good deck.