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Trevedon (Donphan / Trevanant)


I am Neos. Who are you?

  • 3 Donphan
    3 Phanpy
    3 Phantump
    3 Trevenant
    1 Suicune
    1 Jirachi EX
    1 Mr. Mime
    1 Snorlax

  • 4 Professor Sycamore
    4 N
    3 Korrina
    2 Pokemon Fan Club
    2 Lysandre
    1 Colress

    4 Float Stone
    3 Muscle Band
    2 Ultra Ball
    2 Silver Bangle
    2 Fighting Stadium
    2 Switch
    2 Bicycle
    1 Evosoda
    1 Startling M phone
    1 Master Ball

  • 4 Fighting Energy
    4 Strong Energy

This deck is an Item-Lock deck. Try to evolve to Donphan turn 2. Then, use the Spinning Turn do a possibility of 100. Switch into Trevenant and lock their ability of using items. Just keep on using that strategy. Attack with Donphan switch into Trevenant. Snorlax is there with retreat lock. Pretty good deck.
not sure if posting a link is against forum rules or not, if it is then please delete this comment and no offense is meant.

The Top Cut didn't exactly "beat" anyone to this deck. It was already considered as soon as all the fighting support came out. Even one of my friends plays this deck.

But either way, have you considered Jirachi EX? He's really great for that turn one Fan Club, or better yet, when you draw into Fan Club, you can essentially search for another Supporter for the next turn. And you can grab Lysandre.

Another thing -- have you considered Korrina? Korrina could be used to great effect here, especially given the fact that you can search for a Donphan and a Muscle Band/Professor's Letter/Evosoda for the Trevenant and essentially get set up nigh immediately.

So how I might play this is, perhaps:

-1 Silver Bangle //Even though with a Strong Energy/Fighting Stadium you just have to Bangle to OHKO anything weak to you, I would still recommend running a small amount of them given the fact that there are so few Pokemon out there that are weak to you nowadays.

-1 Terrakion //You run a very small amount of Energy, ergo Energy attachments can decide games, and if you devote two of them for Terrakion... Well, that could be catastrophic at times. Plus, Donphan has enough power to get the job done anyway.

-2 Pokemon Fan Club //Drawing into them late game is terrible -- trust me, I ran three before and I kept dead drawing into them.

-1 Colress //Turn one Colress are terrible, so I would substitute this for something that isn't terrible when there are only three basics on the field. Oof. Leave it to me to always start with two of them in my hand on turn one...

And add:

+1 Shauna //This is much better for early game.

+1 Jirachi EX //For my reasons stated above. It's really amazing when you're in a pinch. Plus, with Trees, you don't have to worry about Catcher. (Lysandre, though...)

+3 Korrina //For my reasons stated above toward this card's awesomeness in this deck.
I never thought about Korrina. Man that would work brilliantly in this deck. I am just going to make the changes you just told me.