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Trevenant / Accelgor


Aspiring Trainer
Hello everyone! This is my first PokeBeach thread and I am making this deck list to help those building Trevenant/Accelgor, just like I am planning on building. I have recently started to get back into the Pokemon TCG, and this Saturday, I'll be going to my first local league in over 13 months. I've been doing a crap load of research on new deck lists and ways I can get back into the amazing game of the Pokemon TCG. I made a Trevenant/Accelgor decklists, post any suggestions or your thoughts below! :D

Experience: Intermediate/Veteran

Pokemon: 21
  • 4 Trevenant XY
  • 4 Phantump XY
  • 3 Accelgor DEX
  • 3 Shelmet PLB
  • 2 Mew-EX
  • 1 Dusknoir BCR
  • 1 Dusclops BCR
  • 1 Duskull BCR
  • 1 Musharna NXD
  • 1 Munna BCR

Trainers: 32
  • 3 Colress
  • 4 Professor Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 2 Skyla
  • 4 Ultra Ball
  • 4 Level Ball
  • 4 Float Stone
  • 2 Evosoda
  • 2 Silver Bangle
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 1 Tool Scrapper
  • 1 Dowsing Machine
  • 3 Virbank City Gym

Energy: 4
  • 4 DCE

Set up a Trevenant XY to lock your opponent from using any item cards - It's pretty much the new Gothitelle EP, but instead of a mind-controlling goth thing it's a zombie tree thing that curses forests. Accelgor DEX is your main attacker, with Deck and Cover to paralyze and poison your opponent, lock them from retreating and causing damage. Instead of Tropical Beach, I use Virbank City Gym to make Accelgor's poisoning more harsh. Dusknoir is to switch around those damage counters when you need to, Musharna to get that extra card (I think I ran 2-2 when I used Accelgor/Gothitelle) and Mew-EX is also good sometimes because it can use Accelgor's Deck and Cover, but Mew-EX has just a little more HP. You can also keep your Accelgors in play. Most of the other cards are really obvious, but the last explanation would be Float Stone. Try to get those on Trevenant or Mew-EX because Accelgor can already retreat for free, so you can just use them to bench into Accelgor and Deck and Cover with a Virbank.
I would change dowsing machine to computer search: 4 energies is actually pretty hard to have one, so once you don't have one in your hand, your game ends.
^ Not true, you miss turn of attacking, the game doesn't end. BTW, this deck doesn't play Virbank City Gym, so swap them out for Tropical beach. Setting up > Extra Damage.
Hmm... I dunno. If you're just getting back into the game, Tropical Beaches can be expensive. For now I'd stick with the Virbanks until you can get the $300 or so dollars for 2 Beaches. Virbank is a solid card. While I have seen it used with Accelgor effectively (and Mega Venusaur EX on one occasion), it is more commonly used with Hypnotoxic Laser to do extra damage. I do understand why you would want to play it with Accelgor. However, may I recommend throwing in a second Tool Scrapper. Since Trevenant's Ability is cancelled out by Garbodor, you want to make sure you have one. If you wind up playing against Darkrai/Garbodor, consistency is key. You want to make sure you have at least 1 Tool Scrapper in your deck to make sure you can detach Garbodor's Float Stone. I say to have two in case 1 of them is Prized.

-1 Virbank City Gym
+1 Tool Scrapper

Hope this helps,
He doesn't say that he (or she) can't get tropical beaches, so if he can, why not use them. The deck is extremely slow, clunky and just doesn't really work without tropical beaches. 1 scrapper is also enough, as it is extremely rare for an opponent to get Garbodor out, a tool, AND have your scrapper prized. Anyway, about beaches, I found a play set on the ground the other day of all the Top 4 beaches from 2011. Its not rare.
I would take out the musharna line, to make the lock easier to get and tmake the deck more streamlined. I would lessen the amount of Vurbank City Gyms to 1. Also, add more evosodas. It is so easy to use them to evolve trevenant and Accelgor, you don't even need them in your hand! Also, if you run Dusclops and not rare candy, 2 won't be enough. That would be 1 trevenant and 1 Accelgor. Those are just some thoughts. I would also replace one of the silver bangles wih a super rod, so if a Phantump, trevenant, Accelgor or shmet gets knocked out, you have more ways to get them back.
You miss a turn on attacking it hurts you, they mess up your lock by bringing out something like a dusknoir, don't miss the lock, even by a turn, it may cost you.

Musharna doesn't really need a space in this deck, if its worth that much to draw and not drop the lock put in battle city, at least it doesn't take away from the already tight locking line of the deck and the per turn lock. I played 3 and under skyla with no beach, I didn't like it, I didn't have a choice for supporters I highly recommend 4. Muscle band is much more versatile then bangle, I don't like the virbank, I would rather play catcher it destroys anti-lock senarios such as virizion, keldeo etc, by bring them up you can apply more pressure to your opponent (maybe), also it gets out of snorlax lock.