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Trevenant / Leafeon / Flareon / Raichu / Druddigon


Professional Shadow Stitcher

  • 3 Phantump
    3 Trevenant
    4 Eevee (Preferably PF)
    2 Flareon (PF)
    2 Leafeon (PF)
    2 Pikachu
    2 Raichu (XY)
    1 Druddigon (FLF)
    1 Jirachi EX

  • 4 Professor Juniper/ Sycamore
    3 N
    2 Colress
    1 Skyla
    1 Lysandre
    1 Dowsing Machine
    2 Muscle Band
    2 Silver Bangle
    2 Silver Mirror
    3 Ultra Ball
    2 Level Ball
    2 Random Receiver
    2 Bicycle
    1 Startling Megaphone
    1 Super Rod
    2 Switch

  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
    1 Rainbow Energy
    4 Psychic Energy

The aim of this deck is to counter most popular archetypes in the NXD-FLF format:

Trevenant with a silver mirror will prevent attacks from all your opponent's Pokemon, and Trevenant's ability will lock Tool Scrapper/ Startling Megaphone from discarding the Silver Mirror.

Blastoise and Emboar
These decks rely heavily on item cards such as rare candy and superior energy retrieval, so Trevenants ability can quickly shut them down.

Virizion/ Genesect
Flareon with a silver mirror can easily OHKO Virizion and Genesect.

Raichu with a full bench can OHKO Yveltal, and Leafeon can deal big damage when Yveltal has a lot of energy attached.

Pyroar/ Charizard
All attackers in this deck are stage 1 (Except Druddigon), so Pyroar can be hit. Your best bet is to use Leafeon with a Silver Bangle. Charizard's Attack takes 4 energy, and Pyroar takes 3. There are usually 2 Charizards out, and the other Charizard will probably have at least 1 energy on it. If so, this allows you to OHKO Charizard EX and Pyroar.

Druddigon's Revenge attack can do 110 damage with a muscle band, and can OHKO Dragon EXs.
Jirachi EX lets you search out a supporter.
Raichu has free Retreat.

This is a variant of a deck that won Brazil Nationals. I've changed a lot of cards around to fit my play style, and I'm using this deck in a Pokemon league tournament this Saturday. I've play tested it a ton on PTCGO already, and know the deck very well. I recommend switching out 2 cards for Tropical Beach if you have access .

Constructive criticism is highly recommended and accepted.
Did you ever consider running a Poke that can attack then either switch back to your bench (e.g., Palkia EX) or get shuffled back into your deck (e.g., Accelgor) THEN you could promote Trevenant to maintain the Item lock?

Also, since your opponent's hand could get "large," what about running some Hugh Supporters to force your opponent to discard cards leaving him/her with only 5 cards in hand?

You may need more than 1 Startling Megaphone too. Consider thst when you attack with a Poke other than Trevenant, a player could setup Garbotoxin and shutdown all Abilities.
I actually quite like the idea of running Rotom, personally, when running Trees. I have run Rotom before, and after my opponent Colress'd to 10, his Yveltal was annihilated with about 400 damage, due to his hand being almost nothing but Trainer cards (including Supporters and Stadiums). I might think about putting him in, as a cool idea. He's well worth it, in my opinion, but then again, I was running a funky Plasma deck at the time, so take what I say with a grain of salt for advice for your deck.