This is an Xy-On list.
Pokemon : 15
The deck plays like your normal Trevenant deck where you aim to establish turn 1 item lock or as soon as you possibly can with the draw support of the Shaymin's and Sycamore. As you are setting up Trees you want to look to get at least one Gengar set up as well. My personal favorite board set up is two trees and one gengar. What you do here is abuse switch to keep rotating your gengar into the active and Dark Corridor between the two trees that way you can begin splitting damage across two seperate trees. While you set up item lock and start dishing out damage each turn you also start using things like Xerosic, Crushing Hammer, Enhanced Hammer, and Head Ringers too stall out the enemies plan as much as possible. Some things I have had concerns with after play testing a bit is only 6 Psychic Energy as well as only having 2 Dimension Valley has a consistency issue. Any thing you guys can suggest to me would be appreciated thank you.
Pokemon : 15
- 4 Phantump
- 4 Trevenant
- 4 Shaymin EX
- 3 Gengar EX
- 3 Professor Sycamore
- 3 Wally
- 1 Lysandre
- 1 Xerosic
- 4 Muscle Band
- 4 Crushing Hammer
- 4 Super Scoop Up
- 4 Switch
- 3 VS Seeker
- 3 Ultra Ball
- 2 Head Ringer
- 1 Enhanced Hammer
- 2 Dimension Valley
- 6 Psychic Energy
- 4 Double Colorless Energy
The deck plays like your normal Trevenant deck where you aim to establish turn 1 item lock or as soon as you possibly can with the draw support of the Shaymin's and Sycamore. As you are setting up Trees you want to look to get at least one Gengar set up as well. My personal favorite board set up is two trees and one gengar. What you do here is abuse switch to keep rotating your gengar into the active and Dark Corridor between the two trees that way you can begin splitting damage across two seperate trees. While you set up item lock and start dishing out damage each turn you also start using things like Xerosic, Crushing Hammer, Enhanced Hammer, and Head Ringers too stall out the enemies plan as much as possible. Some things I have had concerns with after play testing a bit is only 6 Psychic Energy as well as only having 2 Dimension Valley has a consistency issue. Any thing you guys can suggest to me would be appreciated thank you.
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