Tri-type deck?!?!

Would a tri-type deck work?

  • YES!!!!

    Votes: 7 21.2%
  • Maybe....

    Votes: 12 36.4%
  • NO!!! Do NOT jump off the roof!

    Votes: 11 33.3%
  • I dont really know

    Votes: 3 9.1%

  • Total voters


Aspiring Trainer
I've seen mono and dual-type decks, but ive never really seen a tri-type deck. So i was wondering, is it even feasible? (btw when i say tri type i mean a main attacker for each type and more then 3 energy of each type, stuff like uxie and claydol don't count) I think a deck like this would either be totally versitile and brillant, or complete and utter suicide. So what do you guys think?
there is 1 type of tri-type deck that seems to hang around, its mostly flygon varients such as flyphan which gives you flygon{C} donphan{F} and more often than not Nidoqueen{P} which can be a decent back up attacker but that comes down to preference
Its not uncommon for SP decks to have colorless (or fire), electric and fighting (toxicroak). And you need three types of energy to even play Rayquazza C, Lugia Legend, or Regigigas X. More important than how many types you have is how good is the synergy of those types. For instance, Flygon can work with just about anything because it is completely colorless. You can easily play two other types with it.
In the metagame like stated earlier it seems like more and more decks are running more then just two types. I would like to see more rouge decks though it seems like since I got back in the game everyone plays cookie cutter kind of why I got out of playing magic, I am not exception I just bought all the cards to make flyphan (which runs nidoqueen, flygon, and donaphan all three differnt types.)
It depends on the deck idea, for example Flylock run like 3 different types of energy and it works ok.
I used to run a Garchomp MT/Porygon-Z GE deck that run all the types of energy, worked really well :)
I actually built a deck yesterday in which the only main attacker could hit as 3 different types, but its a seeecret!

just kidding, it was a weavile SW lanturn prime deck, and it kept beating my cursegar.
I don't see why not, splash promocroak into a Crobat Prime deck with Sableye and maybe Weavile?

I've been looking at splashing god knows what into my toolbox fire deck. Beautifly PT is going under test shortly. Basically anything that uses energy for fuel and makes a mess of the opponent gets considered.
3 typed decks aren't usually the best of ideas unless if its something like Arceus or if you're trying to make a deck based around Porygon-Z GE, if not then try not to make the deck overly complicated by just randomly adding in different typed pokemon to cover up there weakness as that doesn't work well, it just makes the deck unfocused and would require alot of search power so you draw into what you need at the right time

Best stick with dual-type decks or even better single typed decks, but don't throw together random pokemon try and find pokemon that work well with eachother, like Garchomp SV & Ampharos prime or even Blaziken FB & Luxray GL. In some cases adding in a {C} pokemon as a secondary attacker works well as they can go into any deck because of there type (Flygon RR with pretty much anything)
I play a Pory z GE deck that has about six different nrg types. It works fine.

also I was thinking you could run a lux tech in FlyPhan. i dont really consider colorless a type because you can use any nrg, but that would be a FlyPhan w/{P}{L}{F}.
Yeah colorless doesn't really count sense you can put any energy on them.....

Back in the day(wow I sound so old >_<) during the e series, it was pretty common with the crystal cards. But now in a competitive sense it's not a good idea. If you're making a fun gimmick deck, then it's good, but I wouldn't use it in any major tourny.