Triple battles, TGC


Aspiring Trainer
now that theres triple battles in the neew generation of games, do you guys think they might try and introduce a triple battle mode into the card game?

to be honest it could be interesting with the rules on the side pokemon not being able to attack the other sides. could make for some very strategic play.

but again i think it would be a bit too gimicky. i mean double battles was fairly gimickyso triple would be even more so.
The problem would be the (lack of) support. While Double Battles could be quite fun, it just never had the real support. Bringing out cards specifically meant to be used in double/triple battles would put off those who play singles only.
Lou Cypher said:
The problem would be the (lack of) support. While Double Battles could be quite fun, it just never had the real support. Bringing out cards specifically meant to be used in double/triple battles would put off those who play singles only.

yeah i agree with that it made some cards confusing.

also some cards made for double battles were really strong in doubles but using the in singles made them WEAK
I've done a bunch of double battles, and even 1 triple battle. They are extremely fun, and who knows you might find some of your decks might work really well with each other. The only downside is turns take a little longer because you have to communicate with your team mate. I would love to see a division tournament with double battles as an option.
it looks alot like mario rpg to me, just think about, 3 on 3 battle's soon 6 on 6, it might happen, who know's. cya

edit, P.S. sounds like japan is running out of fun rpg's so they're using pokemon, I liked the good old days of one on one, (i do like XD though). cya