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Triumphant DialgaChomp (Seniors Cities)


Arcanine Lover
3-1 dialga g X
2-2 Garchomp c x
2 uxie
1 azelf
1 promocroak
1ambipom g
1 bronzong g
2 crobat gl

4 cyrus's conspiracy
4 poketurn
4 powerspray
3 sp radar
3 energy gain
2 ebelt
2 bebes
1 aarons
2 energy exchanger
2 collector
2 proffesor oaks new theory
2 seeker

4 dce
2 warp
4 sp metal
1 phsycic
2 metal

Strategy is to start with Deafen on Dialga, and then build up a Dialga on the bench to tank with. Start tanking, and use Garchomp to heal. Either that or Poke Turn or Seeker. Use Garchomp to snipe too.

I'm feeling this might need a bit more recovery, or else a 2-2 line of Dialga. Other than that is this a good list?
RE: Triumphant DialgaChomp

unwon q maybe foe free retreat if uxie or azelf are stuck activate because this deck can not afford to discard enegry
RE: Triumphant DialgaChomp

3-1 dialga g X
2-2 Garchomp c x
2 uxie
1 uxie X
1 azelf
1 promocroak
1 bronzong g
2 crobat gl
1 unown q

4 cyrus's conspiracy
4 poketurn
4 powerspray
2 sp radar
3 energy gain
2 ebelt
2 bebes
1 aarons
2 energy exchanger
2 collector
1 proffesor oaks new theory
2 seeker
1 Twins

4 dce
2 warp
4 sp metal
1 phsycic
2 metal

Just want to find a way to squeeze in Ambipom G and maybe a 3rd radar. Other than that i like this more.
RE: Triumphant DialgaChomp

Very solid decklist! There are only a few small changes that I'd probably make concerning your Supporter lines. Twins is great and all, but it could really go for some more consistency like another PONT. The two Seekers as well could go for the 3rd SP Radar and Ambipom (although I highly recommend Dragonite FB instead for countering SP a lot more). This will make it highly consistent.

Edit: You're also going to need the Division and the Event you plan on playing this for in the Title. Thanks.

dmaster out.