Triumphant Primes Line-up


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Aspiring Trainer
out of curiosity, what do you think is the most valuable prime?

my list:
I think most of the primes are really useful just all in different decks as they have lots of different uses. However i actually think magnezone is the best tech purely for the draw power and then its attack is really powerful in a deck with lots of energy. Use some fishermen to recycle the energy and if you find a way to easily attach lots of energy each turn you have a powerful card hitting at least 100-200 damge each turn. Machamp is a good attacker and celebi, absol and mew are good as they can set up quickly. With lost world gone for now lots of the lost link primes are not as good as they first looked.
u can't fisherman magnezone prime cause u need to put the energy from lost burn into the lost zone, not the discard pile. when cards are in the lost zone there is no way to retrieve them.
Here's my opinion:

1. Machamp
2. Yanmega
3. Gengar
4. Mew
5. Absol
6. Celebi
7. Magnezone
8. Electrode

Machamp and Yanmega have the most potential to be main attackers in there own decks. Gengar prime is a decent tech in Gengar decks. I think Mew is a pretty good card, and we may see it in our metagame soon, I just don't know how it will be used. Absol's only purposes are, being paired with Mew prime, or a Gengar counter. I think Celebi's pokepower is decent, but for it to be higher on my list it has to prove itself first. Magnezones pokepower isn't that great, you're better of using starter pokemon like Spiritomb and Sableye in stage 2 decks. Electrode is definitely the worst of all these primes, not much else to say, but it's just plain bad.
1. Mew
2. Magnezone
3. Yanmega
4. Machamp
5. Gengar
6. Absol
7. Celebi
8. Electrode

My list. I think mew prime is one of the best cards to come out lately. Lost zone garchomp X for practically free restore. Also you can do 120 after you lose your gyarados and don't have time to recover. Or you can using Mass attack and do 120 on a basic.

Next on my list is magnezone. Draw power PLUS an attack that can do MASSIVE DAMAGE for only a couple of energy.

Yanmega will be great in hand match decks. Use Cycler bronzong to get you +1 or -1.

And then the rest. Machamp might see some play. Maybe.
1. Gengar- even w/out lost world it will be played and can shift the metagame. Sending pokemon to the lost zone is still great even if you can't a win out of it.

2. Mew-It is just too good not to be played. IDK how it will be played though :p

3. Magnezone-Draw power+great attack.

4. Machamp- I think it's good but IMO not as good as the top 3, great power and good attacks.

Now here is where IMO the primes just suck.

5. Yanmega-Good body but DGX, which should see an increase in play, says hi and it's weak to lightning :p

6. Absol-I'd put him higher but its HP is too low to contend right now IMO.

7. Electrode/Celebi-I put them together because they somewhat accomplish the same thing(one is never ending and one is Trode-Perfect) preference on which one you want to use but they both phail. Celebi's regular version has more HP too :p
reasons for my list:
my list:
1-machamp - one of the strongest by itself. great ability to switch, discard special energy, and do massive damage
2-yanmega - one of the fastest pokemon that can hit for 90dmg on T2 without any energy setups. also easy to get another charged up
3-mew - interesting card. will see lots of posibilities. can throw one into any deck just for the heck of getting a t2 heavy attack
4-magnezone - good power. good attack. stage2, but theres nothing really stopping its use.
5-gengar - no lost world. still good for messing with your opponents by sending pokemon to the lost zone. however dmg output is low and ull need the lv.x to make it worth it
6-celebi - interesting card. can help you speed up heavy grass decks. also good stall against many pokemon. but extremely low hp
7-electrode - double edge sword. can really help you set up with energy and use twins and blackbelt supporters. however it can also screw up over and make you discard essential cards.
8-absol - only usefull if you startout with this as your active. attack seems meh. can help you put cards in the lost zone but it
My list:
Absol: Fast attacker, combos well with Mew Prime
Mew: Like Mew EX LM, fast and a toolbox on its own
Machamp: Goes great with Donphan Prime
Magnezone: Its draw isn't great but it's useful in Magnelock (sorta)