Change Log:
02/15/2015_001: -1 Jolteon, -1 Rough Seas, +2 Caitlin
02/18/2015_001: Complete Overhaul
Complete Overhaul: will rewrite strategy soon. General gist is to make Lugia EX's attack super powerful while weakening the opposition before wailing on them.
4 Deoxys EX [BW--Plasma Freeze]
3 Lugia EX [BW--Plasma Storm]
2 Thundurus EX [BW--Plasma Freeze]
3 Eevee [XY--Furious Fists]
1 Glaceon [BW--Plasma Freeze]
1 Umbreon [BW--Plasma Freeze]
1 Leafeon [BW--Plasma Freeze]
4 Professor Sycamore [XY]
2 Skyla [BW--Boundaries Crossed]
2 N [BW--Promo]
2 Colress [BW--Plasma Storm]
2 Lysandre [XY--Flashfire]
2 VS Seeker [XY--Phantom Forces]
4 Team Plasma Ball
3 Colress Machine
3 Muscle Band [XY]
2 Professor's Letter [XY]
2 Startling Megaphone [XY--Flashfire]
1 Computer Search [BW--Boundaries Crossed]
4 Plasma Energy [BW--Plasma Storm]
4 Double Colorless Energy [XY]
4 Rainbow Energy [XY]
1 Lightning Energy [XY]
1 Water Energy [XY]
1 Grass Energy [XY]
1 Darkness Energy [XY]
Change Log:
02/15/2015_001: -1 Jolteon, -1 Rough Seas, +2 Caitlin
02/18/2015_001: Complete Overhaul
Complete Overhaul: will rewrite strategy soon. General gist is to make Lugia EX's attack super powerful while weakening the opposition before wailing on them.