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Turbo Lugia EX ( Lugia EX / Thundurus EX / Deoxy EX / Eevee )

RE: Turbo Lugia EX ( Lugia EX / Skarmory / Eevee )


Just took a look at the Speed Lugia Skeleton in the Metagame, and am curious about some of the card choices presented. Especially the trainers and supporters. Might make a few changes to the deck based on what is presented there also.
RE: Turbo Lugia EX (Lugia EX / Skarmory / Eevee)

Yeah, the usual Speed Lugia decks differ quite a lot from your list. If you want a more competitive version, your list will need a lot of editing, but if you're just looking for a fun deck this is fine.
RE: Turbo Lugia EX (Lugia EX / Skarmory / Eevee)

I can see the reasoning behind Energy and Pokemon: Deoxys EX empowers Lugia EX, and Thundurus EX keeps Lugia going. I just don't get why cards like N, Colress, and Professor Juniper are ran when Plasma already has access to good card advantage anyway. Is it because cards like N that affect your opponent's hand are staples?
RE: Turbo Lugia EX (Lugia EX / Skarmory / Eevee)

N is good because it's good shuffle draw, coupled with opponent hand manipulation. Juniper is strong draw. Colress is also really good, but not early game, so it can be situational. Most lists don't play Caitlin because you can only draw as many cards as you can put back, which is a lot when your hand is big (and you don't need draw as much if your hand is that huge) and not a lot when your hand is small (and drawing a lot of cards may be crucial).
RE: Turbo Lugia EX (Lugia EX / Skarmory / Eevee)

But be careful using N in Lugia! I only run 2x N becuase you are getting prizes quickly with lugia so N most of the time isnt the best shuffle draw to play. Colress works much better with big benches ^^ Also the 4th Colress Mashine often is a dead card, Frozen City to soften up opponents pokemon to get one shots with Lugia EX due to no Deoxys a must imo.. 4 Professors Letter is overkill, because u run 4 basic energy cards in total. Keep in mind that the letter only lets you to search for basic energy. Hope these changes will help you..