22 Pokemon
4-3/1 Mightenya (PL-PL/LA)
4 Uxie LA
4 Unown R
2 Skuntank G
2 Crobat G
1 Azelf LA
1 Regice LA
Trainers 35
4 Pokedex Handy910s
4 Pokemon Rescue
4 Pokedrawer+
4 Super Scoop Up
4 Poketurn
1 Luxury Ball
4 Pokemon Communication
2 Expert Belt
3 Broken Time-Space
1 Palmer's Contribution
1 Alph Lithograph 4 (bounce a stadium)
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Energy
3 Special Dark
Strategy: Get out a Mightenya T1 and start attacking. Skuntank poisons you (and your opponent), which lets you attack for free. Then, you deal 50 base damage, +30 if you have less energy attached than they do (which you should, since you should be attacking for 0), and +10 from poison. That's a base damage of 90 for 0 energy on turn one. And that's not even factoring in Expert Belt, bat drops, or Special Darks (if they have 2 or 3+ energy on them). LA is in there for SP's, starters, LEGENDS, and just basics in general. He locks them up for a turn (though this can be easily dodged) and deals 40 damage (including the special dark). The Alph Lithograph is in there in case they drop a BTS before you do. This way, you bounce it to their hand, and play down your own. 99% of the time, yours will stay on the field. If not, you're, well, screwed. Cyclone is cyclone, and R's and in there for retire.
4-3/1 Mightenya (PL-PL/LA)
4 Uxie LA
4 Unown R
2 Skuntank G
2 Crobat G
1 Azelf LA
1 Regice LA
Trainers 35
4 Pokedex Handy910s
4 Pokemon Rescue
4 Pokedrawer+
4 Super Scoop Up
4 Poketurn
1 Luxury Ball
4 Pokemon Communication
2 Expert Belt
3 Broken Time-Space
1 Palmer's Contribution
1 Alph Lithograph 4 (bounce a stadium)
3 Pokemon Collector
3 Energy
3 Special Dark
Strategy: Get out a Mightenya T1 and start attacking. Skuntank poisons you (and your opponent), which lets you attack for free. Then, you deal 50 base damage, +30 if you have less energy attached than they do (which you should, since you should be attacking for 0), and +10 from poison. That's a base damage of 90 for 0 energy on turn one. And that's not even factoring in Expert Belt, bat drops, or Special Darks (if they have 2 or 3+ energy on them). LA is in there for SP's, starters, LEGENDS, and just basics in general. He locks them up for a turn (though this can be easily dodged) and deals 40 damage (including the special dark). The Alph Lithograph is in there in case they drop a BTS before you do. This way, you bounce it to their hand, and play down your own. 99% of the time, yours will stay on the field. If not, you're, well, screwed. Cyclone is cyclone, and R's and in there for retire.