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Standard Turtonator GX/Volcanion EX Deck


Aspiring Trainer
First time making a deck and I'm doing a Turt GX and Volc EX. This is my first deck (mostly copied with some alterations) for local competitive so any help is apprecitated!

Pokemon (10)
1x Tapu Lele GX
3x Volcanion EX
2x Turtonator GX
4x Volcanion STS

Trainers (38)
4x VS Seeker
4x Ultra Ball
2x Float Stone
2x Fury Fighting Belt
1x Eco Arm
1x Lysandre
1x Olympia
1x Brock's Grit
1x Pokemon Center Lady
1x Fisherman
3x Scorched Earth
3x Max Elixir
2x N
4x Switch
1x Delinquent
1x Nest Ball
2x Trainer Mail

Enegery (12)
12x Fire Energy

I'm (obviously) using a Volc EX/Turt GX deck with Turt GX as my main attacker. Volcanion EX for the Steam Ups and baby Volcs for the energy retrieval. Scorched Earth/Ultras for energy discarding and Fisherman to save if needed. Eco is for the Stones & FFB incase I need them. My main worry is there being too many one-ofs in the deck and the deck not being able to circulate energies efficiently enough. I could really use some critiquing so I can improve the deck before using it!
My instant worry is that you have a very weak engine. A single Tapu Lele isn't enough to get you properly set up IMO. I also feel like in general you have too many one off trainer cards. I'd pair down what is redundant and work on consistency. Fisherman for example is redundant with baby Volcanion because you actually want energy in your discard. I'm starting to think too that a 3 Sky Field 1 Parallel City line up is better that Scorched Earth for Volc decks.
My instant worry is that you have a very weak engine. A single Tapu Lele isn't enough to get you properly set up IMO. I also feel like in general you have too many one off trainer cards. I'd pair down what is redundant and work on consistency. Fisherman for example is redundant with baby Volcanion because you actually want energy in your discard. I'm starting to think too that a 3 Sky Field 1 Parallel City line up is better that Scorched Earth for Volc decks.

Mind explaining why Sky Field & Parallel City is better? Also, I can do substitute Delinquent, Brock's Grit and Fisherman for another Nest Ball, Lysandre, and a Escape Rope (for opponent Lysandres).
Mind explaining why Sky Field & Parallel City is better? Also, I can do substitute Delinquent, Brock's Grit and Fisherman for another Nest Ball, Lysandre, and a Escape Rope (for opponent Lysandres).

Scorched Earth is a fine stadium, and it works well with the baby Volcs, but you wind up taking a lot of your own bench space up in order to run as many Volc EXs as possible for Steam Ups. Having that Sky Field not only gives you space to set up but also gives you an easy way to rid yourself of anchors on your bench like Shaymin EX and Tapu Lele GX in combination with Delinquent or Field Blower (something that really should be in every deck right now IMO) Parallel meanwhile does the opposite to the other player, making them choose between drawing the cards they need and getting the Pokemon on the bench and ready to power up.
Since Turtonator has a low damage output (at least with Shell Trap, which is what I usually use on him, you might want to run 4 Canions so that even if 1 is prized you can still do a lot of damage for 2 energy. Also, I would run Bands over belts
Trainers (38)
4x VS Seeker
4x Ultra Ball
2x Float Stone
2x Fury Fighting Belt
1x Eco Arm
1x Lysandre
1x Olympia
1x Brock's Grit
1x Pokemon Center Lady
1x Fisherman
3x Scorched Earth
3x Max Elixir
2x N
4x Switch
1x Delinquent
1x Nest Ball
2x Trainer Mail
First of all, you've listed only 34 Trainers, not 38; and I suspect the "missing" 4 slots are/might be for Professor Sycamore for card-draw support?

A few more thoughts for your consideration:

  • Have you considered using Mallow for the Mallow-Scorched Earth combo? This combo can be quite helpful at times.
  • 4 Switch seem quite excessive to me. Consider replacing a Switch with an Escape Rope.
  • Lysandre is too important just to run 1 copy, IMO; and should your 1 copy ever be prized, you will be without an important resource. I'd suggest replacing replacing replacing a 3rd Switch with another Lysandre.
  • I'd suggest replacing a 3rd Switch with a Field Blower in order to discard your and/or opponent's Tool(s) and/or Stadium.
  • Nest Ball seem a bit redundant with the Ultra Balls. Consider replacing that with either an Energy Retrieval and/ Mallow.
  • Lastly, consider incorporating 1 Parallel City in order to remove unwanted/unneeded Pokémon from your bench or to disrupt your opponent's bench.
Really lastly, I won a local tournament this past weekend with my version of this deck (Turtonator GX was my MVP that day). I think you'll find it quite competitive due to its versatility.

I hope you find these comments helpful.
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First of all, you've listed only 34 Trainers, not 38; and I suspect the "missing" 4 slots are/might be for Professor Sycamore for card-draw support?

A few more thoughts for your consideration:

  • Have you considered using Mallow for the Mallow-Scorched Earth combo? This combo can be quite helpful at times.
  • 4 Switch seem quite excessive to me. Consider replacing a Switch with an Escape Rope.
  • Lysandre is too important just to run 1 copy, IMO; and should your 1 copy ever be prized, you will be without an important resource. I'd suggest replacing replacing replacing a 3rd Switch with another Lysandre.
  • I'd suggest replacing a 3rd Switch with a Field Blower in order to discard your and/or opponent's Tool(s) and/or Stadium.
  • Nest Ball seem a bit redundant with the Ultra Balls. Consider replacing that with either an Energy Retrieval and/ Mallow.
  • Lastly, consider incorporating 1 Parallel City in order to remove unwanted/unneeded Pokémon from your bench or to disrupt your opponent's bench.
Really lastly, I won a local tournament this past weekend with my version of this deck (Turtonator GX was my MVP that day). I think you'll find it quite competitive due to its versatility.

I hope you find these comments helpful.

Definitely found them helpful! I did some alterations -
Pokemon (10)
1x Tapu Lele GX
4x Volcanion EX (Extra Volc for more reassurance)
2x Turtonator GX
4x Volcanion STS

Trainers (38)
3x VS Seeker
4x Ultra Ball
2x Float Stone
2x Choice Band
1x Eco Arm
2x Lysandre
1x Olympia
1x Pokemon Center Lady
4x Prof. Sycamore
3x Sky Field
3x Max Elixir
2x N
4x Switch
2x Delinquent
1x Field Blower
2x Trainer Mail

Enegery (12)
12x Fire Energy

I replaced Scorched Earth with Sky Fields, got rid of a lot of one-ofs (fisherman, brock) and added some important cards I overlooked (field blower). An extra Volc EX, Delinquent, and Lysandre. Also swapped Belts for Band and lowered VS Seekers to 3. (Also, yes! I forgot the sycamores)
Definitely found them helpful! I did some alterations -
Pokemon (10)
1x Tapu Lele GX
4x Volcanion EX (Extra Volc for more reassurance)
2x Turtonator GX
4x Volcanion STS

Trainers (38)
3x VS Seeker
4x Ultra Ball
2x Float Stone
2x Choice Band
1x Eco Arm
2x Lysandre
1x Olympia
1x Pokemon Center Lady
4x Prof. Sycamore
3x Sky Field
3x Max Elixir
2x N
4x Switch
2x Delinquent
1x Field Blower
2x Trainer Mail

Enegery (12)
12x Fire Energy

I replaced Scorched Earth with Sky Fields, got rid of a lot of one-ofs (fisherman, brock) and added some important cards I overlooked (field blower). An extra Volc EX, Delinquent, and Lysandre. Also swapped Belts for Band and lowered VS Seekers to 3. (Also, yes! I forgot the sycamores)
I'd cut one Smallcanion for A Turtonator