First time making a deck and I'm doing a Turt GX and Volc EX. This is my first deck (mostly copied with some alterations) for local competitive so any help is apprecitated!
Pokemon (10)
1x Tapu Lele GX
3x Volcanion EX
2x Turtonator GX
4x Volcanion STS
Trainers (38)
4x VS Seeker
4x Ultra Ball
2x Float Stone
2x Fury Fighting Belt
1x Eco Arm
1x Lysandre
1x Olympia
1x Brock's Grit
1x Pokemon Center Lady
1x Fisherman
3x Scorched Earth
3x Max Elixir
2x N
4x Switch
1x Delinquent
1x Nest Ball
2x Trainer Mail
Enegery (12)
12x Fire Energy
I'm (obviously) using a Volc EX/Turt GX deck with Turt GX as my main attacker. Volcanion EX for the Steam Ups and baby Volcs for the energy retrieval. Scorched Earth/Ultras for energy discarding and Fisherman to save if needed. Eco is for the Stones & FFB incase I need them. My main worry is there being too many one-ofs in the deck and the deck not being able to circulate energies efficiently enough. I could really use some critiquing so I can improve the deck before using it!
Pokemon (10)
1x Tapu Lele GX
3x Volcanion EX
2x Turtonator GX
4x Volcanion STS
Trainers (38)
4x VS Seeker
4x Ultra Ball
2x Float Stone
2x Fury Fighting Belt
1x Eco Arm
1x Lysandre
1x Olympia
1x Brock's Grit
1x Pokemon Center Lady
1x Fisherman
3x Scorched Earth
3x Max Elixir
2x N
4x Switch
1x Delinquent
1x Nest Ball
2x Trainer Mail
Enegery (12)
12x Fire Energy
I'm (obviously) using a Volc EX/Turt GX deck with Turt GX as my main attacker. Volcanion EX for the Steam Ups and baby Volcs for the energy retrieval. Scorched Earth/Ultras for energy discarding and Fisherman to save if needed. Eco is for the Stones & FFB incase I need them. My main worry is there being too many one-ofs in the deck and the deck not being able to circulate energies efficiently enough. I could really use some critiquing so I can improve the deck before using it!