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Standard Turtonator-GX/Volcanion-EX


Blast From The Past
Pokemon (12):

2x Turtonator-GX
3x Volcanion
3x Volcanion-EX
2x Tapu-Lele-GX
1x Starmie
1x Staryu

Trainers (35):

4x Sycamore
4x N
2x Lysandre
1x Brigette (This may seem stupid, but it basically allows you to blast off the following turn if you went first and can't attack. Preferably you will search for your Volc-EXs to discard energy for Turt via Steam Up.)
1x Hala
1x Olympia
1x Fisherman
4x VS Seeker
4x Ultra Ball
1x Rescue Stretcher
2x Max Elixir
1x Energy Reset (You can do some crazy things with Nitro Tank, Energy Reset, Steam Up, and then blasting for ridiculous damage.)
3x Float Stone
3x Choice Band
4x Scorched Earth

Energy (12):

12x Basic Fire Energy

The strategy:

Power up everything fast using Scorched Earth and Steam Up to get Energy into the discard and then Nitro Tank's acceleration. Max Elixir helps the process here. The Starmie line helps consistency a bit. Let me know how the list is :)
I wonder how many people even know Energy Reset is a thing lol! I used them in my Volc list a while back before Sun&Moon and it did its job well. As for the list, the Mallow-Scroched Earth engine is very interesting. It nets you the cards you need, make your deck that much more consistent. I wouldnt recommend Max Elixer, as it is just Garb food. Pokemon Fan Club might be better in this than Brigette because it can get 2 of your Pokes. Add in an Extra Volcanion EX just to ensure you have at least 3 on the bench. Consider Guzma as a replacement for Lysandre, because of Volcanion's heavy retreat. (He is practically immobile)

That seems to be it! Nice list and good luck!
I wonder how many people even know Energy Reset is a thing lol! I used them in my Volc list a while back before Sun&Moon and it did its job well. As for the list, the Mallow-Scroched Earth engine is very interesting. It nets you the cards you need, make your deck that much more consistent. I wouldnt recommend Max Elixer, as it is just Garb food. Pokemon Fan Club might be better in this than Brigette because it can get 2 of your Pokes. Add in an Extra Volcanion EX just to ensure you have at least 3 on the bench. Consider Guzma as a replacement for Lysandre, because of Volcanion's heavy retreat. (He is practically immobile)

That seems to be it! Nice list and good luck!
Thanks! I totally forgot about Mallow, I'll lose Hala for it. Guzma is definitely better than Lysandre here, when it comes out Olympia and Lysandre will go for two Guzmas. I think I'll lose a Max Elixir for the fourth Volc, definitely. I'm not too sure about Fan Club, but it's worth a shot. I think, actually, I will lose Brigette/Fan Club for Hoopa EX and the second Max Elixir for a Shaymin. Thanks again :)
Thanks! I totally forgot about Mallow, I'll lose Hala for it. Guzma is definitely better than Lysandre here, when it comes out Olympia and Lysandre will go for two Guzmas. I think I'll lose a Max Elixir for the fourth Volc, definitely. I'm not too sure about Fan Club, but it's worth a shot. I think, actually, I will lose Brigette/Fan Club for Hoopa EX and the second Max Elixir for a Shaymin. Thanks again :)
The thing is, Hoopa takes up an unnecessary bench spot. You run no Sky Field, and most will have 3 Volcanion EXs out. Fan club is better than Brigette because while Brigette can get you a baby Volcanion, Turtonator, and a Staryu; Fan Club can give you 2 Volcanion EX, 1 Baby Volc and an EX, so on.
The thing is, Hoopa takes up an unnecessary bench spot. You run no Sky Field, and most will have 3 Volcanion EXs out. Fan club is better than Brigette because while Brigette can get you a baby Volcanion, Turtonator, and a Staryu; Fan Club can give you 2 Volcanion EX, 1 Baby Volc and an EX, so on.
True, I'll test with all three and see which works the best. Ty for all the help :)
Following are some comments for your consideration:
  • I run something similar, but without Starmie - which is another easy 1HKO target for my opponent; or with just a 1-1 line, there is a decent chance it may not even get into play.
  • Why no Field Blower(s)?
  • The Mallow-Scorched Earth combo is quite helpful when you do run multiple Scorched Earth Stadiums.
  • With 1 Hala, 4 N and 4 Professor Sycamore, 4 Scorched Earth seem excessive. I understand that maybe 1 or 2 Stadium(s) may not even be used for card-draw purposes, but consider replacing 1 with a Parallel City it in order to remove your unwanted/unneeded Pokémon from your bench or to disrupt your opponent's bench (also recognizing the resulting effect on your damage output).
  • In regards to card-draw support, consider replacing an N with a Professor Kukui in order to hit some "big" numbers.
  • Consider replacing 1 Float Stone (a potential Field Blower target) by either an Escape Rope or Switch (which can be taergeted by the popular Field Blowers and can also beused on a Pokémon with a Tool already attached).
  • With only 2 Max Elixirs, have you tested using Energy Switch instead? The Energy Switch has provided some solid versatility vs. the "iffy" Max Elixir, especially after an early game Nitro Tank attack.
I hope you find these comments helpful.
Following are some comments for your consideration:
  • I run something similar, but without Starmie - which is another easy 1HKO target for my opponent; or with just a 1-1 line, there is a decent chance it may not even get into play.
  • Why no Field Blower(s)?
  • The Mallow-Scorched Earth combo is quite helpful when you do run multiple Scorched Earth Stadiums.
  • With 1 Hala, 4 N and 4 Professor Sycamore, 4 Scorched Earth seem excessive. I understand that maybe 1 or 2 Stadium(s) may not even be used for card-draw purposes, but consider replacing 1 with a Parallel City it in order to remove your unwanted/unneeded Pokémon from your bench or to disrupt your opponent's bench (also recognizing the resulting effect on your damage output).
  • In regards to card-draw support, consider replacing an N with a Professor Kukui in order to hit some "big" numbers.
  • Consider replacing 1 Float Stone (a potential Field Blower target) by either an Escape Rope or Switch (which can be taergeted by the popular Field Blowers and can also beused on a Pokémon with a Tool already attached).
  • With only 2 Max Elixirs, have you tested using Energy Switch instead? The Energy Switch has provided some solid versatility vs. the "iffy" Max Elixir, especially after an early game Nitro Tank attack.
I hope you find these comments helpful.
Thanks! I actually took out Hala for Mallow in one of my edits earlier, the combo is great I agree. Field Blowers really should be in here to deal with Garb, but I'm not sure what to take out. The 1-1 Starmie line does seem a bit unreliable, could lose it for a second Fisherman and an Energy Retrieval. I think you're right about excessive draw support, maybe losing one N for a Field Blower? Kukui is nice to have but it's not nessescary IMO and I don't see the space. As to Energy Switch instead of Max Elixir, I'll have to test it. Maybe losing a Float for a Switch is a good idea. Once again, thanks for the help. :)
By the way, if you plan to use the Nitro Tank attack early game, why not run 3 Turtonator GX (consider -1 Volcanion)?

In my variation, Turtonator GX is my primary attacker and I plan to test running Burning and DC energy (2 different tests) in my variation, as well as Energy Loto this weekend. Any thoughts from your testing results perhaps?

Lastly, why not run at least 1 Altar of the Sunne Stadium?
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