Twilight New Moon Smashes Box office records!


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Don't know if there is a thread and I have not seen one but New Moon made over 140 million dollars in the first 3 days of it's release. It came close to The Dark Night which I think was 164 Million but smashed SPider Mans records by about 20 million or so dollars. I am not a fan but I thought you guys would like to knows since there are a lot of Twilight fans here though.:)
Are you saying it beat Spider Man 3? Because it didn't beat that or The Dark Knight. I have to say that it was impressive and it managed to get very close though.

dmaster out.
Yeah, New Moon ranks third, behind Dark Knight and Spider-Man (Spider Man?) 3's records. According to the newspaper right in front of me, anyway.
Just like Spider man and batman, despite it being a mediocre movie, it gets millions because of the fan base. It was 40 year-old comic-lovers who live in their moms' basements for batman and spider man. Twilight is fuled by rich teenage girls who are obsessed with Edward. I have to say, the book series is good, but from a neutral standpoint; it's making way too much.
Juliacoolo said:
Just like Spider man and batman, despite it being a mediocre movie, it gets millions because of the fan base. It was 40 year-old comic-lovers who live in their moms' basements for batman and spider man. Twilight is fuled by rich teenage girls who are obsessed with Edward. I have to say, the book series is good, but from a neutral standpoint; it's making way too much.

as juliacoolo said, its main customer is rich girls who are obsessed with edward, but it also loses some profit because some parents are like ''no it's jusst a stupid combination of violence and romance'' and some just tottaly reject the idea of vampires.....
Actually, Twilight Moms contribute a lot to the money made so far. We're looking at a new-age Titanic here.

dmaster out.
Actual amount was 141 million dollars and some are going overboard with the series too and because of the fan base some are actually praticing their stunts and doing their stunts so yeah wayyyy too far for some fans. I am not a fan but I watch the news so I hear about it all the time.:)
Juliacoolo said:
Just like Spider man and batman, despite it being a mediocre movie, it gets millions because of the fan base. It was 40 year-old comic-lovers who live in their moms' basements for batman and spider man. Twilight is fuled by rich teenage girls who are obsessed with Edward. I have to say, the book series is good, but from a neutral standpoint; it's making way too much.
I'll give you S-M 3, but did you actually see The Dark Knight? Not a mediocre movie by any standards; I think most people can agree with me there.
I actually disagree with you on that one. The main attraction was the new tech, and the spooky sounds, and drama. It was a decent movie, but it's a movie that doesn't have a solid-enough story line to be loved by anyone. It was "clever" and "kept me guessing". Unlike Titanic that got "amazing" and "instant classic". I agree that it was a good movie, but minus all the spooky drama, fake-tech, and disturbing images, it's not that good.
dmaster said:
Actually, Twilight Moms contribute a lot to the money made so far. We're looking at a new-age Titanic here.

dmaster out.

*In Randy's voice from South Park*
Nn-O my god...

Lol I HATE TWILIGHT. People only caught on cause of the movie, not the books. Everyone is like "I read the books first!!11one11!" but actually, only about 15% probably did. Its such a stupid hype off of a terrible book. My standpoint though. The day the final book in the series came out, my family took an 8 hr drive to key west, and my sister was reading in the car, and I annoyed the he** outta her the entire time for reading it. Good times...
Juliacoolo said:
I actually disagree with you on that one. The main attraction was the new tech, and the spooky sounds, and drama. It was a decent movie, but it's a movie that doesn't have a solid-enough story line to be loved by anyone. It was "clever" and "kept me guessing". Unlike Titanic that got "amazing" and "instant classic". I agree that it was a good movie, but minus all the spooky drama, fake-tech, and disturbing images, it's not that good.

I saw some of the previews last week on Regis and Kelly and to be honest it looks like a 1970's movie with computer generated graphics from the early 90's. The movie does not looks that great and most of the actors are kids so the Twilight series is pretty much running on fan-base. That is the ONLY reason it is popular right now.:)
Juliacoolo said:
I actually disagree with you on that one. The main attraction was the new tech, and the spooky sounds, and drama. It was a decent movie, but it's a movie that doesn't have a solid-enough story line to be loved by anyone. It was "clever" and "kept me guessing". Unlike Titanic that got "amazing" and "instant classic". I agree that it was a good movie, but minus all the spooky drama, fake-tech, and disturbing images, it's not that good.
Yeah, but I'm mostly going by general reception rather than your personal opinion. While Spider-Man 3 and the Twilight movies got mediocre review scores, The Dark Knight has a 94% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, which is incredibly impressive.
Im not a big fan of TWiilght (yes, I hAVE read the series, and Im girl, it is possible to not get addicted)
but Im not really a fan of seing moovies made after books( you wonder why...) but, I personally think the did a great job, it was almost word-for-word (although the diresctoor of this one was the guy who TOTALLY messed up The Golden Compass...) except for the action scenes, which personally, I think were better in the movie, than in the book....
Funniest thing to come from Twilight... period

anyways... the characters are poorly portrayed... the dialogue and writing is horrible, and to top it all off, the actors are highly unbelievable. You couldnt get me to believe that Robert Pattison is actually dangerous... about the best you get out of him is a creepy stalker personality with thick eyebrows and so pale skin it makes white-out look grey...

enough with my opinion on the movies... New Moon will make its millions on fanbase, no sense in sugarcoating that... but that really get me is the fact that people see this and think its the best thing since sliced bread...
BigDaddySkeletor said:
Funniest thing to come from Twilight... period

anyways... the characters are poorly portrayed... the dialogue and writing is horrible, and to top it all off, the actors are highly unbelievable. You couldnt get me to believe that Robert Pattison is actually dangerous... about the best you get out of him is a creepy stalker personality with thick eyebrows and so pale skin it makes white-out look grey...

enough with my opinion on the movies... New Moon will make its millions on fanbase, no sense in sugarcoating that... but that really get me is the fact that people see this and think its the best thing since sliced bread...

Very good point because most if not all the actors are under 18 and from the previews it does not look that great. LZike I said in a previous post it looks like a 1970's movie with early 90's actors. The acting is horribly fake and it looks like they used Ketchup for blood rather than Dyed Corn Syrup like the horse scene in The first Godfather movie. The acting is fake too. I know it is mostly aimed at kids but come on they could have done a whole lot better.:)
This was so worth the wait, and my goody gosh, I can honestly say every time Jacob came into view I got some seriously hot flushes "oh my how his got so buff!" I am officially in LOVE sorry Edward I fell like I'm cheating you but don't worry my heart is big enough for you both, imagine having wolf and vampire there to protect you.. HA ha ha.. Great film, wicked storyline, can't wait till June 2010.. 10/10.
jamesmartyn said:
This was so worth the wait, and my goody gosh, I can honestly say every time Jacob came into view I got some seriously hot flushes "oh my how his got so buff!" I am officially in LOVE sorry Edward I fell like I'm cheating you but don't worry my heart is big enough for you both, imagine having wolf and vampire there to protect you.. HA ha ha.. Great film, wicked storyline, can't wait till June 2010.. 10/10.

I can see now that Twilight is based on fan base for sure now by this post anyway. That just confirmed that it is all fan base.:)