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Twin Blades (Agislash / Doublade / Bronzong)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 1 Aegislash-EX
    2 Keldeo-EX
    3 Doublade (PCL 99)
    2 Victini (LTR 23)
    3 Aegislash (XY 86)
    2 Bronzong (PHF 61)
    3 Honedge (KSS 21)
    2 Bronzor (PHF 60)

  • 3 Muscle Band
    1 Dowsing Machine
    3 VS Seeker
    4 Hypnotoxic Laser
    3 Float Stone
    4 Ultra Ball
    2 Colress
    3 Battle Compressor
    1 Shauna (XY 127)
    3 Professor Juniper
    3 N (DEX 96)
    1 Lysandre's Trump Card
    1 Ghetsis

  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
    6 Metal Energy


Energy and Supporter Manipulation:
Battle compressor discards metal energies and Bronzong brings It onto the Aegislash. Battle compressor also discards the supporter you need and VS seeker brings it to hand or Dowsing Machine brings any trainer to hand.

Methods of Attack:
There are 2 attack method strategies in this deck
The first, deals allot of damage to high health Pokémon but lasts only as long as you have lasers shooting (Hypnotoxic) it uses Victinis victory star ability to make Doublades attack work 75% of the time, his attack is false swipe, witch lowers the opposing Pokémon's health to 10, then the laser will take care of the rest. this strategy does a ton of damage and only needs 2 turns to set up, though Doublade can be killed.

The next strategy is in Keldeo and Aegislash, Aegislash is very conveniently the stage 2 of Doublade. Aegislashs attack prevents all damage done to it during your opponents next turn. But it can not use this attack in the next turn. Keldeo is there to provide rush and retreat witch refreshes Aegislashs attack so it can use it consecutively, now Aegislash is immune to all damage and Keldeo removes any special conditions.

I want this strategy and deck set up to work but I think it could move faster and work better could you guys plz give feedback on what I could change?