Ruling Twins - Sableye


Aspiring Trainer
ok so twins States "you may USE this card only if you have more prize cards left than you opponent"

OK so many supporters you can use even if you dont fully use the effect.

so if i have less prize cards than my oponent can i discard it but not use the effect?

does the use simply refer to playing it or using the effect?

Now what if i used sableye impersonate. and search my deck discard twins and use the effect. now i have bypassed the not being able to use it part. so can i then use the effect. or does use refer to both playing the card and using the effect?
I'm not aware of any official rulings on this. However, I would speculate that since the amount of prize cards left for either player is public knowledge, attempting to play Twins when you're not behind on prizes would constitute an impossible/illegal play. Same goes for trying to Impersonate Twins.

Would love to hear the thoughts of other professors on this.
I agree. I've actually contemplated this question myself, and it doesn't say "You may play this card if _______"; it says "You may use this card if ___________". Playing it from the hand and using the effect are different. I believe it's made like this because cards such as Gardevoir SW or Smeargle UD can copy Supporters (with Telepass/Portrait, you are not playing the card, BUT you are using it). If you don't have more prize cards than the opponent, you cannot use the card effect.

It wouldn't be an illegal play, actually. It would just have no effect (you select the Supporter, and then you use the effect).