I need some help on two decks I am thinking of running for my state's upcoming tournament. Please help me fix these decks and give opinions on the decks themselves.
Gastly SF x3
Haunter TR x2
Gengar SF
Gengar Prime x2
Gengar Lv. X
Palkia G
Palkia G Lv. X
Murkrow SV
Honchkrow SV
Uxiw x2
Uxie Lv. X
Mr. Mime
Unown Q
Bebe's Search x2
Broken Time-Space x2
Lost World x3
Luxury Ball
Palmer's Contribution x2
Pokemon Collector x2
Pokemon Communication x3
Rare Candy x3
Seeker x3
Twins x3
VS Seeker
Dark Energy x4
Psychic Energy x9
Absol G x2
Absol G Lv. X x2
Chatot G x2
Crobat G
Garchomp C x2
Garchomp C Lv. X x2
Raticate G
Unown Q
Uxie x2
Uxie Lv. X
Weavile G x2
Aaron's Collection x2
Cyrus's Conspiracy x4
Energy Gain x4
Junk Arm x2
Lost World x2
Professor Oak's New Theory
Pokemon Communication x2
Poke-Turn x4
Power Spray x2
SP Radar x2
Super Scoop Up x2
Call Energy
Cyclone Energy
Darkness Energy x4
Dark Energy x6
The LostGar is pretty standard, I would like to fit two Smeargles in the deck, not sure what to remove. With the Abchomp, it is more about using the Lv. X's Power to remove guys off the top of the deck and place them into the Lost World. I feel they both can be good, just not sure which is better.
Gastly SF x3
Haunter TR x2
Gengar SF
Gengar Prime x2
Gengar Lv. X
Palkia G
Palkia G Lv. X
Murkrow SV
Honchkrow SV
Uxiw x2
Uxie Lv. X
Mr. Mime
Unown Q
Bebe's Search x2
Broken Time-Space x2
Lost World x3
Luxury Ball
Palmer's Contribution x2
Pokemon Collector x2
Pokemon Communication x3
Rare Candy x3
Seeker x3
Twins x3
VS Seeker
Dark Energy x4
Psychic Energy x9
Absol G x2
Absol G Lv. X x2
Chatot G x2
Crobat G
Garchomp C x2
Garchomp C Lv. X x2
Raticate G
Unown Q
Uxie x2
Uxie Lv. X
Weavile G x2
Aaron's Collection x2
Cyrus's Conspiracy x4
Energy Gain x4
Junk Arm x2
Lost World x2
Professor Oak's New Theory
Pokemon Communication x2
Poke-Turn x4
Power Spray x2
SP Radar x2
Super Scoop Up x2
Call Energy
Cyclone Energy
Darkness Energy x4
Dark Energy x6
The LostGar is pretty standard, I would like to fit two Smeargles in the deck, not sure what to remove. With the Abchomp, it is more about using the Lv. X's Power to remove guys off the top of the deck and place them into the Lost World. I feel they both can be good, just not sure which is better.