Typhlosion ex from Ex Unseen Force


er... Hello?
There aren't any card review on Typhlosion ex from Ex Unseen Force yet. So, I would like to ask everyone about this card
Typhlosion ex                                                (Fire) 150 HP

Poke-Power     Bursting Up
Once during your turn, when you play Typhlosion ex from your hand to evolve 1 of your Pokemon, count the number of your opponent's Benched Pokemon. You may search your deck for up to that number of [R] Energy cards and attach them to 1 of your [R] Pokemon. Shuffle your deck afterward.

[R][R][C][C]     Kindle                                         80
Discard an Energy card attached to Typhlosion ex and then discard an Energy card attached to the Defending Pokemon.
Please leave any comment about this card.

T1 80? Yes please. This thing kills everyone. Two weaknesses murder it though.
Heres a trick for all you UNLIMITED players out thier. Have a Cydaquil as your active. Have a Marcargo Smooth Over on bench, use Smooth Over. Play the card Challenge. KNow thier thinking should I let him draw and get his card of fill my Bench up with Basics. 75% thier gonna fill thier bench up with basics. Rare Candy into Ty-ex then get 5 Fire ENergies and start attacking some of those basic Pokemon. Also know that Memory Berry is here Cynadquil [HL] has Rage attack so 150 damage is great. Fear the power of Unlimited.

EDIT: 700th post
I see few people using this card in the official tournament. How could this be?

This card has only participated in a deck named "Arcation", featured Arcanine ex and Typhlosion ex. It doesn't go well though.....

Do you think that the release of Ex Dragon Frontier will recall this card in to the battle arena?
i reason why it couldnt make a good archtype is because it's a stage 2 with a power that will be activated through evolving it. So u need SSU, candies....

And BTW we cant attach the fire energies onto any pokemon, but only fire type....
I dislike it. Burning Up will most likely get you hopefully a Typhlosion EX powered up in one shot, including attachment. So there's no real reason for Altaria EX because you can Kindle once a turn since then, and most likely you will be able to get another Typhlosion EX powered up quickly afterwards. I would just run it with Magcargo DX, but then again I wouldn't run it.

Arcanine out.