Typhlosion EX SS or UF?

Which Typhlosion ex? SS or UF?

  • Typhlosion ex SS baby!

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Typhlosion UF rocks my world!

    Votes: 9 81.8%

  • Total voters


Advanced Member
This is easy. Just say whether you'd rather have a Typhlosion SS or UF. Don't think,"Drrr.... Typhlosion ex SS is illegal...." NO! That's not the point!! Just say which one you like better and why.
Well, besides the fact that SS has been rotated...and the SS one is easier to pull. Also, he can't do alot, sure 100 but discard...80 is better for both discard. Not to mention that his power is one of the best energy grabers in the game.
as for atking power, i would like typhlosion ex SS, it has awesomely cool atks!!!

if ur talking abt combos, then typhlosion ex UF can do the trick
ya i do agree its cool, but typlo ex ring of fire attack needed some help, try using it in unlimited, even though theres not much players using an ex pokemon in unlimited, i once tried using it with full flame, its nice, try typlo ex UF , its pokepowers better
They both look cool, but I like typhlosion uf better