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Typhlosion Prime/Scizor Prime (Tournament in a Month Please Help Inprove)


Aspiring Trainer
4-3-2-2 Typhlosion Prime
2-2 Heatran LvX
2-2 Ninetails CoL
1-1 Bronzong SF
1 Unown Q
2 Smeargle UD


3 Pokemon Collector
4 Bebes Search
3 Rare Candy
2 Research Record
2 Twins
2 Warp Point
2 Expert Belt
1 Luxury Ball
1 Palmers Contribution


10 Fire Energy
2 Rescue Energy

=12 Energy

=60 Cards

Okay so the strategy is to get Typhlosion Prime up fast and get a Heatran active to Level Up and hopefully have a Warp Point and switch for the benched Typhlosion and just keep attacking, and if it gets knocked out it will probably get back with a Rescue Energy. Once you get bored of Typhlosions or your opponent Pokemon keeps knocking it out get a Scizor up and use it with 4 sp. Metal and an Expert belt it will only be knocked out by an attack that does 160 damage.
When you say 4-3-2-2 What is the other 2 typhlosion, could you please tell which set?
I will try to help as much as I can

-1-1 Scizor Prime line (seeing as you only run 4 spec metal and no other metal, you will mostly only need one scizor)
-2 Proffesor Elms Training Method
-1 Cheerleaders Cheer (You never want to give your opponent a free draw)
+ 1-1 Ninetails HGSS, CoL (For Roast reveal, helps get energy in the discard)
+3 Pokemon Collector (Helps get heatrans and other basics fast)
-2 Research Record
+1-1 Slowking HGSS,CoL (Trainer lock will hurt you so use a pokemon for the same effect)
What is the Synergy between Typhlosion and Sczior Prime? both do very different things and require different amount of energy to do what it needs to be efficiently. With a wide variety of search cards setting up multiple Typhlosions shouldn't be a problem if you're opponent is knocking them out quickly (which would be the case against Gyarados). if you're playing Typhlosion prime then you don't need Heatran lvX which is a hassle to set up already and just becomes a liability when playing against Luxchomp or anything that plays Luxray GL lvX. Focusing on Typhlosion helps get rid of all the added weight and helps streamline the deck so it functions better

-2-2 Scizor Prime
-4 Sableye
-2-2 Heatran lvX
-1 Cheerleaders Chant
-2 Prof Elm's Training Method
-4 Special {M} energy

+2-2 Ninetales HGSS or CoL (both Nintales are the same thing the card that really matter here are the Vulpix's. what you want are the PL shiny Vulpix's (#SH6) which can search out {R} Energy)
+1-1 Bronzong SF (helps search out {R} energy which this deck needs)
+1 Uxie LA (added draw power on top of Ninetales)
+1 Unown Q (helps retreat Uxie LA if you start with it or even Vulpix)
+1 Smeargle UD or CoL (it has a poké-poweer which lets you look at your opponent hand and use any supporter you see as the effect of the poké-power)
+3 Pokemon Collector
+1 Bebe's Search
+2 Seeker
+2 Pokemon Communication
+1 Luxury Ball
+1 Palmer's Contribution

It's alot of changes - yes. The big thing here is the added amount of trainers and supporters, all of which help search out pokemon which really speeds you up early game as you need to set up ASAP in order to survive against most decks. Seeker to reuse Uxie and well as save any damaged benched pokemon form being sniped. Unfortunately there isn't much you can do if you come up against a Gyarados deck accept to try and set up faster than it can and lay the pressure on it early game (if you can KO Sableye before it sets up it will have to send out something else to take the hit next turn which COULD lead to 2 KO's early game)
Guys Give me Little help on trainers and things like that because i hate chaging and chaging thank you :)
If you need a small chnage, then:

-1 Bebe's Search
+1 Premier Ball OR Level Max

You will likely not need 4 Bebe's, and Level Max/Premier Ball will help to get Heatran X out.

Also, I think Spiritomb AR works better than Smeargle. It wastes less searching and locks. Maybe:

-2 Smeargle
+2 Spiritomb AR

Or you could play one of each.
havnt red ur deck so if u hav those alredy fine.

maybe add black belt x2 or x1
add 1x or 2x twins as well