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Standard Typhlosion/Talonflame/Mew EX


Aspiring Trainer
So, a while ago i decided to create my first deck using my favourite Pokémon: Typhlosion!

I was trying to work without Shaymin, cuzz where i live it is too expensive to get it, so i chose the Typholosion/Talonflame variant. It was pretty good for some fun play but i ended up not playing it that much.

Recently, i discovered Mew Ex (Promos XY123) and thought it was a good improvement to the deck, so here the decklist i made:

Pokémon: 14

  • 3 Cyndaquil (Breakthrough)
  • 1 Quilava (Breakthrough)
  • 4 Typhlosion (Breakthrough)
  • 4 Talonflame (Steam Siege)
  • 2 Mew Ex (XY Promos Xy123)
Trainers/Supporters/Itens/Stadiums: 21
  • 3 Skyla
  • 4 Teammates
  • 1 N
  • 4 Rare Candy
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 2 Super Rod
  • 2 Energy Recycler
  • 1 Level Ball
  • 1 Escape Rope
Energy: 25
  • 25 Fire Energy
EDITED: Small changes (Rlly need an extra Teammates)


Same as any Typhlosion deck, but this time i just need to set up only 1 Typhlosion and 1 Mew Ex. As Mew is a basic, it is easier to set up than before!

Oh, i was thinking in add Random Reciever... But idk.

Let me think what u guys think about it. I need to make this "usable", cuzz i cant afford to buy more expensive decks.
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-1 Quilava
-1 Escape Rope
-2 Mew EX
-4 Fire Energy

+1 Cyndaquil
+1 Ultra Ball
+2 Talonflame BREAK
+4 Burning Energy

Ideally 4 VS seekers and a Brock's Grit would be nice to have too, but you implied you want to keep it cheap. Talonflame BREAK gives you a second, faster way to move through games if they're not running things that necessitate massive eruptions. Mew EX is a bad idea because as noted above, it reduces your chance of getting Talonflame and is also a 2 prize card which makes it harder to trade effectively in the occasional long game.
I used to run it wihtout Mew, but it was an auto lose to Glaceon Ex deck. I think Mew makes, at least, possible to beat Glaceon... Also, the 2 prizes thing rlly dont matter in this deck cuzz the oponnent never wins by taking prizes gainst this deck.

About adding Talonflame Break, i will think about it, but normally, with this deck, i lose with 4, 5 6 cards prized (when i lose, it is cuzz i couldnt swarm my bench with pokemon), so i dont know if it is necessary to focus in a second attacker.

I think burning energy is useless cuzz i never will use the second attack. And Escape Rope is there only to change Typh for Mew when needed.

I need to set up 2 Typhlosion to win. I can win with only 1, but it is too rare to happen. Some times i need 3 Typholosions to win, that's why it takes to long to set up. Mew fix that problem, i only need to set up 1 Typhlosion and get Mew.

In short, only works if you cant set up it FAST (at least 2 Typhlosion or 1 Typhlosion and 1 Mew, as fast as possible). That's why Mew was added, it is way easier to set up. If i don't set up 2 Pokémon on t2/t3, i will lose anyway.
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